Ylecuyer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3191,597koalaKoala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to...
23,3532,755mongoid_rails_migrationsData migrations for Mongoid in Active Record style, minus column input.
38,68712,533linkedin-oauth2Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 API
49,2486,451puma-statusCommand-line tool for puma to display information about running request/process
511,84314,243survey-gizmo-rubyGem to use the SurveyGizmo.com REST API, v3+
618,77822,176faye-authenticationA faye extension to add authentication mechanisms
722,73316,277sidekiq-monitoringGive a state of sidekiq available queues
825,93149,384emojione-railsSprocket/Rails emojione package
944,83935,616dimelo_ccp_apiRest API client for Dimelo CCP v2 plateform
1045,97124,223rightnow-clientRightnow API Ruby wrapper
1161,22166,011vikingModernized gem version of the Viking plugin
1282,17166,011ruby-stemmer-dimeloExpose the bundled libstemmer_c library to Ruby.
1383,70949,384devise_session_limitDevise plugin preventing a user from having multiple open sessions
14105,89949,384faye-reconnectAllow a long running faye client to reconnect to a faye server with the same client ID