1 | 3,241 | - | active_type | Make any Ruby object quack like ActiveRecord |
2 | 4,066 | - | cucumber_priority | cucumber_priority provides a way to mark step definitions as overridable, meaning that ... |
3 | 4,296 | - | spreewald | A collection of cucumber steps we use in our projects, including steps to check HTML, t... |
4 | 4,656 | - | capybara-lockstep | Synchronize Capybara commands with client-side JavaScript and AJAX requests |
5 | 5,201 | - | edge_rider | Power tools for ActiveRecord relations (scopes) |
6 | 5,495 | - | cucumber_factory | Cucumber Factory allows you to create ActiveRecord models from your Cucumber features w... |
7 | 6,088 | - | consul | A scope-based authorization solution for Ruby on Rails. |
8 | 6,587 | - | query_diet | Rails database query counter that stays out of your way |
9 | 7,028 | - | geordi | Collection of command line tools we use in our daily work with Ruby, Rails and Linux at... |
10 | 7,352 | - | memoized | Memoized caches the results of your method calls |
11 | 7,702 | - | rspec_candy | RSpec helpers and matchers we use in our daily work at makandra. |
12 | 7,745 | - | minidusen | Low-tech search for ActiveRecord with MySQL or PostgreSQL |
13 | 8,190 | - | assignable_values | Restrict the values assignable to ActiveRecord attributes or associations |
14 | 9,308 | - | unpoly-rails | Rails bindings for Unpoly, the unobtrusive JavaScript framework |
15 | 9,590 | - | railslts-version | Note that this gem will neither install nor upgrade Rails LTS for you. Visit https://ra... |
16 | 9,728 | - | modularity | Traits and partial classes for Ruby |
17 | 11,278 | - | has_defaults | Default values for ActiveRecord models |
18 | 11,325 | - | json_cve_2020_10663 | Workaround for CVE-2020-10663 for users who cannot upgrade to json 2.3+ |
19 | 12,903 | - | safe_cookies | Make all cookies `secure` and `HttpOnly`. |
20 | 13,344 | - | aegis | Aegis is an authorization solution for Ruby on Rails that supports roles and a RESTish,... |
21 | 13,919 | - | makandra-rubocop | A relaxed set of default Rubocop settings to use across makandra projects. |
22 | 14,033 | - | upjs-rails | Snappy UI for server-side web applications |
23 | 15,064 | - | dusen | Comprehensive full text search for ActiveRecord and MySQL |
24 | 15,587 | - | capistrano-opscomplete | Capistrano tasks for easy deployment to a makandra opscomplete environment. |
25 | 17,356 | - | makandra_sidekiq | Support code for sidekiq, including rake tasks and capistrano recipes. |
26 | 18,949 | - | apify | Compact definition of JSON APIs for Rails applications. |
27 | 19,276 | - | angular_xss | Patches rails_xss and Haml so AngularJS interpolations are auto-escaped in unsafe strings. |
28 | 21,844 | - | cucumber_spinner | Formatter for cucumber like the RSpecSpinner for RSpec. Shows a progress bar on the com... |
29 | 22,228 | - | rails_state_machine | ActiveRecord-bound state machine |
30 | 22,659 | - | gemika | Helpers for testing Ruby gems |
31 | 22,666 | - | makandra-navy | Comprehensive solution for multi-level horizontal navigation bars. |
32 | 23,302 | - | micro_exiftool | Minimal ruby wrapper around exiftool.. |
33 | 25,427 | - | makandra_resource_controller | Rails RESTful controller abstraction plugin. |
34 | 29,917 | - | machinist_callbacks | Callback hooks for machinist blueprints |
35 | 47,677 | - | pollyanna | Very simple search for your ActiveRecord models. |
36 | 52,429 | - | katapult | Katapult is a framework for generating base code for Rails applications in
two leap... |
37 | 53,217 | - | secret_service | Secret service provides encryption of your application secrets with a server side maste... |
38 | 55,487 | - | rack-steady_etag | Rack Middleware that produces the same ETag for responses that only differ in CSRF toke... |
39 | 62,625 | - | gurney_client | Gurney is a small tool to extract yarn and RubyGems dependencies from project files and... |
40 | 66,312 | - | mail_magnet | Override ActionMailer recipients so all mails go to a given address |
41 | 71,168 | - | rascal | Spin up CI environments locally. |
42 | 80,035 | - | serum-rails | Scans a Rails application for metrics relevant to security audits |
43 | 160,035 | - | cloud_test | Enables cross-browser-testing with by the integration of the following providers Browse... |
44 | 165,573 | - | lts_fixes | A collection of fixes to make some old gems Ruby 2.3+ compatible. |