1 | 8,469 | 7,149 | ruby2js | The base package maps Ruby syntax to JavaScript semantics.
Filters may be provided ... |
2 | 11,234 | 7,320 | bridgetown | Bridgetown is a next-generation, progressive site generator & fullstack framework, powe... |
3 | 11,246 | 7,287 | bridgetown-core | Bridgetown is a next-generation, progressive site generator & fullstack framework, powe... |
4 | 11,467 | 7,330 | bridgetown-paginate | A Bridgetown plugin to add pagination support for posts and collection indices. |
5 | 12,251 | 7,457 | bridgetown-builder | A Bridgetown plugin to provide a sophisticated DSL for writing plugins at a higher leve... |
6 | 13,523 | 7,810 | serbea | Similar to ERB, Except Awesomer |
7 | 17,212 | 8,264 | hash_with_dot_access | Performance-oriented subclass of Hash which provides symbolized keys and method access |
8 | 34,915 | 12,637 | bridgetown-seo-tag | A Bridgetown plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to bett... |
9 | 36,358 | 12,376 | bridgetown-feed | A Bridgetown plugin to generate an Atom feed of your Bridgetown posts |
10 | 40,718 | 10,779 | bridgetown-routes | A Bridgetown plugin to add support for file-based Roda backend routes within the source... |
11 | 43,295 | 12,280 | bridgetown-quick-search | A component for Bridgetown sites which performs search queries with Lunr.js. |
12 | 55,380 | 21,671 | bulmatown | A Bulma CSS starter theme for Bridgetown |
13 | 58,885 | 30,156 | rubocop-bridgetown | A RuboCop extension to enforce common code style in Bridgetown and beyond |
14 | 60,479 | 12,210 | node-runner | A simple way to execute Javascript in a Ruby context via Node |
15 | 60,564 | 14,969 | bridgetown-cloudinary | Embed or access images with transformations using Cloudinary |
16 | 62,515 | 76,031 | phaedra | Write serverless Ruby functions via a REST-like microframework compatible with Rack or ... |
17 | 65,706 | 76,031 | liquid-component | Load and parse Liquid Component templates with YAML front matter |
18 | 68,301 | 76,031 | yarii-editor | Provides a editing admin interface to any Rails app for handling static content (aka Je... |
19 | 70,840 | 14,778 | bridgetown-view-component | Brings GitHub's ViewComponent library to Bridgetown |
20 | 82,039 | 25,572 | bridgetown-prismic | A Prismic CMS integration plugin for Bridgetown |
21 | 84,262 | 28,629 | bridgetown-slim | A Bridgetown plugin which provides support for Slim templates. |
22 | 86,911 | 76,031 | yarii-cloudinary | Allows images to be loaded and viewed in Yarii via the Cloudinary service |
23 | 89,110 | 76,031 | liquid-render-tag | Backported Render tag and related changes from Liquid master to work with 4.0.3 |
24 | 90,486 | 25,572 | bridgetown-lit-renderer | Simple pipeline for SSR + hydration of Lit components |
25 | 90,699 | 45,533 | lifeform | Component-centric form object rendering for Ruby |
26 | 97,855 | 28,629 | bridgetown-haml | A Bridgetown plugin which provides support for Haml templates. |
27 | 101,006 | 35,654 | bridgetown-sample-plugin | Sample code for creating new Bridgetown plugins |
28 | 107,098 | 40,711 | yarii-content-model | Provides an ActiveRecord-like method of loading and saving static content files (from B... |
29 | 110,163 | 76,031 | graphtown | Easily consume GraphQL APIs for your Bridgetown website using a tidy Builder DSL on top... |
30 | 125,752 | 76,031 | view_component_liquid | Use Liquid templates and components from within ViewComponent |
31 | 125,846 | 76,031 | hot_module | Parse, mutate, and render HTML Modules in Ruby. |
32 | 130,436 | 45,533 | bridgetown-plugin-nano | Sets up a Rails-based Nano API backend for Bridgetown |
33 | 134,767 | 45,533 | bridgetown-mdjs | Kramdown-based support for Markdown JavaScript (mdjs) in Bridgetown |
34 | 140,583 | 56,059 | heartml | Server-rendered web components |
35 | 157,535 | 15,366 | streamlined | HTML fragment & component rendering for Ruby using streamlined procs & heredocs. |
36 | 158,097 | 14,969 | signalize | A Ruby port of Signals, providing reactive variables, derived computed state, side effe... |
37 | 158,449 | 35,654 | bridgetown-activerecord | Plugin to add ActiveRecord support to Bridgetown sites |
38 | 165,494 | 76,031 | kramdown-parser-gfm-extractions | A subclass of Kramdown's GFM parser which extracts fenced code blocks featuring meta (a... |
39 | 173,136 | 45,533 | serbea-rails | Rails plugin for Serbea |
40 | 176,104 | 76,031 | authtown | Rodauth integration for Bridgetown |
41 | 177,330 | 15,558 | inclusive | Compose globally-scoped Ruby modules into local packages |
42 | 177,702 | 45,533 | roda-turbo | Turbo Frames & Streams support for Roda |
43 | 177,744 | 15,129 | bridgetown-foundation | Ruby language extensions and other utilities useful for the Bridgetown ecosystem |
44 | 178,150 | 40,711 | bridgetown_sequel | Bridgetown plugin for integrating the Sequel database gem |