Sourav's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,8617,129linux_statLinux only, efficient linux system utilization reporting and system monitoring gem
235,23997,722string_dot_gradientAn itty-bitty extension that adds "gradient" method to String class that supports any h...
342,14756,859termclockA clock for Linux VTE
462,06397,722blink_tmA controller for Arduino OLED System Monitor, Blink Task Manager
570,63229,520libmagic_rbCheck filetype with libmagic
691,92197,722sunburstRun a process for a given time, kill it with SIGKILL, report CPU time and memory usage
797,73897,722big_pieCalculate N Digits of Pi, argument upto unsigned long long (generally 2 ** 64 - 1)
8129,51748,409login_recordsUsing utmpx.h, LoginRecords Allows you to parse UTMP, WMTP and BTMP files on Linux
9132,71597,722string_dot_levenshteinAn efficient Wagner Fischer levenshtein edit distance calculation in C Ruby
10135,62397,722ice_tmA controller for Arduino OLED System Monitor, ICE Task Manager