Takiuchi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,00212,741pry-pretty-numericSee summary
222,82918,177shooting_starOur goal is development of practical comet server which will be achieving over 100,000 ...
331,59064,836dm-paginationDataMapper plugin that provides pagination
445,47164,836dm-datastore-adapterThis is a DataMapper adapter to DataStore of Google App Engine.
548,70849,088kyotocabinet-rubyKyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simp...
651,14329,669rack-turing-testYou can test if sender of request has intelligence.
751,62464,836agnosticAn abstract framework for framework agnostic plugins
852,44127,459roshIt can automatically reconnect to the host with the remote GNU screen session.
958,87336,098pagination_scopeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1060,39136,098presentPresentation tool for terminal.
1160,50541,377methoparaMethod#parameters for ruby-1.9.1
1267,994143,384wormholeThe utility library for making a wormhole on the stack frame.
1371,14364,836etcdsetcd cluster manager
1475,248143,384yaml-execYou can execute command with very complicated arguments by using a YAML file.
1580,35964,836irb_rocketirb plugin that makes irb #=> rocket
1686,758143,384merb_gravatarMerb plugin that provides a helper method for GRAVATAR
1792,53949,088sinatra-tag-helperMinimal tag helper for Sinatra
1896,48264,836genki-dsl_accessorThis plugin gives hybrid accessor class methods to classes by DSL like definition
1998,98764,836genki-kyototycoonKyotoTycoon client for Ruby
20113,96264,836docker-searchYou can list up or search the containers via the _catalog API
21116,16964,836dm-lastDataMapper plugin that provides a short hand for Model.all.last as Model.last
22117,54664,836extlib-presentMerb plugin that provides :present? method to Object
23118,49564,836genki-newrelic_rpmNew Relic Ruby Performance Monitoring Agent
24118,80649,088segv_silencerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
25121,32264,836openid_fu_generatordescription of gem
26121,885143,384merb_componentMerb plugin that provides composition of controllers.
27122,15664,836genki-flickrawFlickr library with a syntax close to the syntax described on http://www.flickr.com/ser...
28123,99564,836enumerate_wordsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
29124,42349,088genki-twitphotoa gem to generate an image URL from shortened URLs from common photo sharing tools. Sup...
30124,785143,384texvcThe wrapper utility for texvc command
31125,16064,836string-toThis package installs method_missing handler to String class which handles to_xxxx_xxxx...
32128,89364,836enumerable-chainProvides method chain for each items of Enumerable
33158,50064,836fiber_funIntroduces some utility methods into Fiber
34159,57349,088sesame-apiSesame API wrapper
35160,93564,836genki-specific_installrubygems plugin that allows you you to install a gem from from its github repository (l...
36179,09764,836gjirRestart Google Japanese Input process.