Mbailey's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,00137,537deprecThis project provides libraries of Capistrano tasks and extensions to remove the...
222,36937,537deprec-coredeprec-core was extracted from the popular deprec gem to make it easier for people to p...
342,90737,537weblicateReplicate a website based on a HAR file
457,77937,537demreccap/rake task gem
568,16322,870mbailey-paperclipEasy upload management for ActiveRecord
673,429132,035ruby-xenruby-xen allows you to manage Xen virtual servers via Ruby. It currently wraps the com...
789,79137,537mbailey-chefA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
891,20937,537gemstalkManage the list of Rubygems you want release notifications for.
9122,860132,035clanCommand Line Analytics