Ox1eef's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,90112,731salah.rbSalah.rb is a Ruby library for retrieving the time of the five daily prayers that are o...
250,40594,831xchan.rbAn easy to use InterProcess Communication (IPC) library
347,65945,145trip.rbTrip is a concurrent tracer that can pause and resume the code it is tracing.
450,62827,777xpool.rbxpool.rb is an implementation of a process pool that was built with xchan.rb
5119,60563,366lockf.rbRuby bindings for lockf(3)
6155,066135,887twenty-cliProvides the CLI component of twenty. See https://rubygems.org/gems/twenty for context.
7155,76427,737nanoc-webpack.rbnanoc-webpack.rb integrates webpack into nanoc.
8142,63627,777quran.rbThis library provides an Object Oriented interface to the Holy book, The Qur'an.
9159,538135,887ryo.rbRyo implements prototype-based inheritance, in Ruby.
10165,78412,682test-cmd.rbAn object-oriented interface for spawning a command
11168,04426,677nanoc-tidy.rbnanoc-tidy.rb integrates tidy-html5 into nanoc
12173,11194,831twentyA standalone web application. This gem depends on twenty-cli, twenty-client, and twenty...
13173,874135,887twenty-clientProvides the client component of twenty. Static content (HTML, CSS, JS). See https://ru...
14173,89194,831twenty-serverProvides the server component of twenty. See https://rubygems.org/gems/twenty for context.
15174,389135,887twenty-backendtwenty: backend
16174,54375,441twenty-frontendtwenty: frontend
17174,679135,887cmd.rbA library for building command-line applications, in Ruby.
18174,783135,887twenty.rbMinimal project management that runs on your computer
19176,807135,887cmd-optparse.rbOptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis.
20177,285135,887cli-option_parser.rbFork of ruby/optparse
21177,49130,382nanoc-gzip.rbnanoc-gzip.rb integrates gzip into nanoc
22177,864135,887server.rbA static file web server
23173,18157,954nanoc-gunzip.rbA nanoc filter that can compress textual and binary items
24179,80275,441nanoc-weasyprint.rbnanoc-weasyprint.rb integrates weasyprint into nanoc.
25179,94630,382bsdcontrol.rbRuby bindings for libhbsdcontrol
26180,19494,831hbsdctl.rbRuby bindings for libhbsdcontrol