Lubosch's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
152,37767,544rails-gp-webpayGem for integrating GP Webpay HTTP api and WS recurring payments with multiple merchants
265,98867,544superfakturaGem to integrate superfaktura into your app.
387,68667,544hithorizonsHorizonts api integration for get, search and search unstructured
4123,75945,460graphql-pundit2Pundit authorization support for new graphql interpreter
5153,49145,460exponeaGem to integrate exponea into your app. Provides api for adding events and users, also ...
6167,64667,544swiftcodesapiGem to get iban info from
7173,56667,544graphql_pundit3Pundit authorization support for new graphql interpreter
8175,81023,703zoho_toolsZOHO auth and subscriptions