Joshuaclayton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1153146factory_botfactory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-...
2311520climate_controlModify your ENV
35811,744factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using ...
41,0741,165shouldaMaking tests easy on the fingers and eyes
53,9612,458polylinesEasily handle Google polylines
617,77814,171kumadeA well-tested script for easy deploying to Heroku
730,87830,412faststepMongo on Speed
832,96359,398jack_upEasy AJAX file uploading in Rails
934,70534,605palettePalette provides an easy way to build Vim color schemes
1046,170121,990viewaideMaking your views easier
1147,95840,966sieveRuby C Extension for the Sieve of Eratosthenes
1256,348121,990douglas_peuckerA Ruby implementation of the Douglas–Peucker algorithm
1370,649121,990basic_decoratorDecoration in Ruby should be easy
14113,213121,990easel_helpersFusionary Rails View Helpers
15171,91725,065page_ezPageEz is a tool to define page objects with Capybara