Olabini's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4612,081jruby-opensslJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
21,6092,435hpricota swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
32,7104,446activerecord-jdbc-adapterAR-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component designed to be used wit...
42,8234,194jruby-jarsThis gem includes JRuby core and the Ruby standard library as jar files. It provides a ...
53,3226,215jdbc-mysqlInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/mysql'` and invoke `Jdbc::MySQL.load_driver` within JRu...
63,6565,432rubycas-clientClient library for the Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol.
73,6947,180jdbc-postgresInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/postgres'` and invoke `Jdbc::Postgres.load_driver` with...
83,7836,656activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapterMySQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
93,8276,640activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapterPostgres JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
103,8965,130jdbc-sqlite3Install this gem `require 'jdbc/sqlite3'` and invoke `Jdbc::SQLite3.load_driver` within...
113,9135,277activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapterSqlite3 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
125,4914,865image_voodooImage manipulation in JRuby with ImageScience compatible API
137,05022,635jdbc-derbyInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/derby'` and invoke `Jdbc::Derby.load_driver` within JRu...
147,38711,001activerecord-jdbch2-adapterH2 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
157,59811,103activerecord-jdbchsqldb-adapterHSQLDB JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
167,68611,162activerecord-jdbcderby-adapterDerby JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
1712,86522,635dbd-jdbcA JDBC DBD driver for Ruby DBI
1813,78729,768rmagick4jRMagick4J =========
1915,40160,164jdbc-h2Install this gem `require 'jdbc/h2'` and invoke `Jdbc::H2.load_driver` within JRuby to ...
2016,37924,763ActiveRecord-JDBCActiveRecord-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that can be u...
2118,07885,863jmxAccess and create MBeans in a friendly Ruby syntax
2220,66021,758bitescriptBiteScript is a Ruby DSL for generating Java bytecode and classes.
2328,95985,863JRuby-OpenSSLJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
2430,13938,253activerecord-mimerMimer support for ActiveRecord.
2532,89485,863jdbc-hsqldbInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/hsqldb'` and invoke `Jdbc::HSQLDB.load_driver` within J...
2642,29542,915jruby-ldapPort of Ruby/LDAP to JRuby
2750,98438,253RbYAMLA pure Ruby YAML parser and emitter, mostly supporting YAML 1.1.
2853,49085,863jvyamlAlternative YAML engine for JRuby
2955,12842,915AntBuilderAntBuilder: Use ant from JRuby. Only usable within JRuby
3083,00385,863maven_gemMavenGem is a tool, library, and gem plugin to install any Maven-published Java library...
3187,13360,164javasandSandbox support for JRuby. Only usable with JRuby
3288,02185,863ruby2javaThe Ruby2Java compiler inspects the *runtime* definition of classes to produce a normal...
3391,58885,863ribsRibs wraps Hibernate, to provide a good ORM for JRuby
3495,28749,460webrick-webdavA class for handling WebDAV requests through WEBrick, Ruby's built-in HTTP server toolk...
35114,28585,863mongrel_jclusterMongrel plugin that provides commands for managing multiple Mongrel processes in a JVM.
36116,81685,863ducktatorDuck Type Validator - your own Ruby type dictator
38127,89560,164codebotCodebot is an IRC bot that receives GitHub webhooks and forwards them to IRC channels. ...
39132,71785,863olabini-log4jthe log4j jar file in a gem