Richardboehme's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1139133representableRenders and parses JSON/XML/YAML documents from and to Ruby objects. Includes plain pro...
22,1062,243disposableDecorators on top of your ORM layer.
32,1552,236reformForm object decoupled from models.
42,6312,463reform-railsAutomatically load and include all common Reform features for a standard Rails environm...
52,9822,902cells-railsConvenient Rails support for Cells.
610,06215,224kaminari-cellsSimple Kaminari pagination in Cells.
756,32430,997lexorankStore order of your models by using lexicographic sorting.
879,51420,567ruboconf-railsOpinionated RuboCop Rails configuration for personal projects.
980,12921,047ruboconfOpinionated Rubocop configuration for personal projects.