Matt-taylor's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,58553,679rails_baseRails Engine that handles authentication, admin, 2fa, audit tracking, with insane confi...
272,77775,230json_schematizeTake standardized API results and turn them into a Schema
392,63175,230sidekiq-web_customHave you ever needed to add custom buttons to the sidekiq UI? Have you ever needed ...
4136,44975,230timeoutableExtends Timeout::timeout to add a warning capabilit. Potentially allows for a graceful ...
5136,61175,230rolldayAdd Rollbar to Faraday middleware easily and customizable
6149,20330,827class_composerCompose configurations for any class.
7174,05675,230thor_enhanceHave you ever wanted your thor commands to tell a story of what they are? Or have you e...