Sevenc-nanashi's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,5446,447discorb== discorb discorb is a Discord API wrapper for Ruby, Using {socketry/async}[https://gi...
3111,20230,328RADWIMPS== RADWIMPS やっと眼を覚ましたかい それなのになぜ眼も合わせやしないんだい? 「遅いよ」と怒る君 これでもやれるだけ飛ばしてきたんだよ 心が身体を追...
4113,16527,887brainfuck-extendedAn extended BrainFuck. You can use random, you can use 2D data, you can use temp data.
5127,338121,991license-cliCLI for licenses.
6132,24838,011no_tbjThis gem deletes 'Terminate Batch Job (Y/N)' dialog.
7154,20072,978discorb-viewView for Discorb
8155,12862,344discorb-voiceGem for connecting voice channels with discorb.
9167,18544,356ruby_syntax_lspA Ruby Language Server that checks syntax
10175,36189,964discorb-voice_dllsDLL files for libsodium and opus.
11177,40089,964rubocop-serviceProvides support of rubocop server, for Windows!
12178,25089,964voicevox.rbUnofficial wrapper for voicevox_core