Dpetersen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,74514,778g5_updatableClient/Locations data update engine for G5 applications
219,02612,551g5_foundation_clientClient gem to interact with G5 services.
323,42622,323g5_prom_railsRails-friendly prometheus base
438,02576,031scene7-wrapperA Scene7 wrapper for Rails 3.x apps.
540,28326,648formularyValid form submission based on the HTML5 validation on the form itself
642,40156,059heroku_resque_autoscalerUses Resque Job Hooks and the Heroku API gem to autoscale Heroku Resque workers
763,33024,203ctl_base_uiInternal CTL base UI toolkit
8124,55076,031ruby-screenRuby command line utility to manage GNU Screen configurations, and launch Screen using ...
9151,27776,031rails_autobotsRails engine to load Javascript apps deployed by grunt-autobots