Nofxx's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,3422,251georubyGeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
24,2749,589symbolizeActiveRecord/Mongoid enums with i18n
35,4233,785mongoid-geospatialMongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects.
412,21491,437subtitle_itDownload, edit and create subtitles. Supports various formats.
514,51491,437mongoid_geospatialMongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects.
615,84991,437rtuiSet of tools for TUI Eye Candy
716,35950,918rspec_spinnerExtra formatters for Rspec
819,71491,437nofxx-georubyGeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
921,46591,437postgis_adapterExecute PostGIS functions on Active Record
1022,10013,285geonames_localDumps geonames data to feed a local db
1124,25950,918assetifyDownloads/updates assets based on an Assetfile. Any framework.
1224,97191,437geopoliticalGeopolitical models for mongoid as a rails engine.
1326,77191,437yamgProvides all the media for your projects
1430,27550,918tokyotyrantTokyo Tyrant is a package of network interface to the DBM called Tokyo Cabinet. Though...
1534,45250,918bugs_bunnyPlay/Manage RabbitMQ. Vhosts, queues.
1635,18891,437nofxx-moneyThis library aids one in handling money and different currencies.
1737,93720,168i18n_syncGem to sync all locale yml/rb files based on a "master" one.
1838,11550,918avburnRead/Write AVR Microcontrollers fuses and memory
1941,52391,437nofxx-annotateAnnotates Rails Models, routes, and others
2041,73991,437pyradiseParaguay gem!
2143,40591,437hoorayFind all those devices connected in LAN
2244,86350,918cordova-rakeRake tasks to help cordova development
2347,80191,437mongoid-enum-i18nHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help you ...
2449,42091,437subduinoInterface, compile, upload... Play with arduino on ruby!
2554,22091,437mongoid-tenantMultiple databases Mongoid Models. Good for SaaS Apps.
2656,74391,437eletroEletric Stuff, Ohm Law, Resistor Colors, Karnaugh Maps and other gems on Ruby
2760,19350,918chronic18nOne 'way' to i18n chronic
2861,20191,437redixQT GUI for Redis Beta
2969,12330,828jahTalk to your machines. Like a God.
3072,20523,720mongoid-urlsMongoid Urls creates unique sanitized URLs for Mongoid documents. Simple and great for ...
3174,61391,437object_daddyFixture killer
3277,27491,437stockrHelp keep track of stuff (good for electronics)
3380,50491,437ubiFind all those devices connected in LAN
3491,03391,437mongoid-idsMongoid token is a gem for creating random, unique tokens for mongoid documents. Highly...
3591,85126,546capkinUploads your apps to Google Play
36101,16391,437nofxx-naniteself assembling fabric of ruby daemons
37108,92830,828max31856PiPiper based wrapper for MAX31856 SPI Interface.
38110,13391,437namieNames as first class citizens
39114,68891,437typerightMake text beautiful
40114,79491,437schemalessActiveRecord field & index!
41120,62150,918rinterfacePure Ruby client that can send RPC calls to an Erlang node
42123,11591,437rubygems-mygemsNever install a gem again..
43123,99791,437mobgpsdTurns your smartphone in a gpsd device (think wardriving)
44124,48550,918attackThis gem provides a nice way to attack, attack events. Rails ready.
45126,62491,437tokyo_storeTokyo Tyrant rails session store
46135,30791,437max31865PiPiper based wrapper for MAX31865 SPI Interface.
47147,42291,437i18n-syncGem to sync all locale yml/rb files based on a "master" one.
48170,51291,437pidomPID Control Library