Chrisb_'s Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,28713,816alias_method_chainProvides alias_method_chain for transitions to Rails 5.1. Don't use this Gem.
236,48819,275headacheTake the pain out of building ACH files. Wraps the Fixy gem for building fixed-with ACH...
362,94876,031typekit-railsAdobe Typekit helper for Rails.
474,93576,031vtranscoderVTranscoder is a collection of utility methods for transcoding and 'publishing' videos,...
583,01376,031activemodel-logger_attributesProvides a Logger::LogDevice that can save Ruby Logger messages to an array in your model
698,52040,711faker-gameFaker extension for generating game names, player usernames, achievements, etc. Useful ...
7102,83476,031tvmlRuby library for working with Apple's TVML built with Builder.
8105,91076,031omniauth-parseOmniAuth strategy for Parse
9107,36145,533domainr-cli2Provides a handy command line interface to the domainr gem.
10109,99335,654character_titlesGenerates ominous-sounding names for characters
11114,25476,031activerecord-logger_attributesSave Ruby's Logger messages to a database column
12118,34745,533chrisb-ponyhiroshi/pony + headers.
13122,56676,031rack-faraday_inspectorProvides the ability to inspect your backend Faraday requests via a web UI.
14128,34876,031officevibeAn Officevibe client for Ruby. Currently supports only a few things.
15147,86376,031openfireRuby client for the Openfire API. Provides access to Group, User, and Room service APIs.
16173,72256,059buybotAn open-source buying bot intended for legitmate buyers; fight back against scalpers.