Fatkodima's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,7973,376online_migrationsCatch unsafe PostgreSQL migrations in development and run them easier in production
210,7263,522sidekiq-iterationMakes your long-running sidekiq jobs interruptible and resumable.
311,8975,472fast_countQuickly get a count estimation for large tables.
425,3084,751pluck_in_batchesA faster alternative to the custom use of `in_batches` with `pluck`.
596,80192,738data_checksRegression testing for data
697,5177,671activerecord_cursor_paginateCursor-based pagination for ActiveRecord.
7114,75722,941rubocop-disable_syntaxA RuboCop plugin that allows to disable some unfavorite ruby syntax, such as `unless`, ...
8171,15159,538job_enqueue_loggerLog background jobs enqueued by your application (additionally with backtraces). ...
9174,96192,738columns_traceFind unnecessary selected database columns.
10175,62272,475sidekiq-expiring-jobsSupport for Sidekiq jobs which expire after a certain length of time. Jobs that are set...