1 | 3,417 | 2,908 | ruby-gmail | A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send m... |
2 | 17,813 | 38,928 | watership | Wrapper around Bunny to better handle connection issues |
3 | 36,043 | 56,274 | mashed | A Mash |
4 | 36,372 | 56,274 | rep | A library for writing authoritative representations of objects for pages and apis. |
5 | 54,164 | 56,274 | straight_shooter | Takes screenshots of sites using WebKit and Qt |
6 | 55,226 | 56,274 | factories | Objects to build and create models |
7 | 66,497 | 56,274 | dm-json-search | Use JSON and Hashes to create complex queries on your DM models. |
8 | 67,347 | 56,274 | eedb | Migrates your EE DB to and from a server with rollback capabilities and find and replac... |
9 | 71,175 | 56,274 | sinatra-scope | Simple nested routes for Sinatra. |
10 | 71,367 | 56,274 | rake-tilde | Run your existing rake tasks by just appending ~. |
11 | 80,730 | 56,274 | rake-sprockets | Build your assets with rake build. |
12 | 84,875 | 56,274 | dm-imap-adapter | DataMapper IMAP adapter |
13 | 94,528 | 56,274 | grid-plugin-growl | Growling it up, yo. |
14 | 96,837 | 56,274 | grid-plugin-updater | Keeping your grids updated |
15 | 110,560 | 56,274 | fancy_command | I get really tired of not having a good Command class in ruby, so here it is. |
16 | 122,671 | 38,928 | class_actress | Quack |
17 | 148,898 | 56,274 | workout | Make objects to represent and execute operations as steps, one by one, and know if it s... |
18 | 151,732 | 56,274 | rake-templates | A small wrapper around tilt to provide templating. |