Idchlife's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1112,644-kanal-interfaces-telegramLibrary provides Telegram interface for Kanal. With this you can connect to telegram bo...
2126,457-kanalThanks to the core library, ecosystem of Kanal tools can be extendted to use with input...
3161,436-kanal-plugins-user_systemLibrary that provides user feature, with saving users and their properties
4175,930-kanal-interfaces-pachkaUse this interface with your Kanal to create bot for Pachka messenger
5177,142-kanal-plugins-active_recordThis plugin-library allows developers to use ActiveRecord inside their bots
6177,427-kanal-plugins-batteries_bridgeThis plugin provides transformation between different interface properties (e.g. tg_aud...