1 | 14,356 | 56,059 | ticketmaster | Ticketmaster provides a universal API to ticket tracking and project management systems. |
2 | 15,089 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-github | This provides an interface with github through the ticketmaster gem. |
3 | 16,828 | 56,059 | ticketmaster-lighthouse | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Lighthouse's issue tracking system. |
4 | 21,271 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-kanbanpad | Allows ticketmaster to interact with kanbanpad. |
5 | 21,356 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-trac | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Your System. |
6 | 23,447 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-pivotal | This is a ticketmaster provider for interacting with Pivotal Tracker . |
7 | 27,807 | 56,059 | ticketmaster-unfuddle | Unfuddle provider for ticketmaster implemented with ActiveResource |
8 | 29,989 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-basecamp | This gem provides an interface to basecamp through the ticketmaster gem |
9 | 30,333 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-redmine | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Your System. |
10 | 32,532 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-bugzilla | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Bugzilla. |
11 | 33,259 | 76,031 | taskmapper-github | This provides an interface with github through the taskmapper gem. |
12 | 34,883 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-jira | Interact with Atlassian JIRA ticketing system from Ruby |
13 | 37,822 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-zendesk | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Your System. |
14 | 40,104 | 76,031 | taskmapper-basecamp | This gem provides an interface to basecamp through the taskmapper gem |
15 | 40,715 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-codaset | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Codaset. |
16 | 43,838 | 33,042 | butler | Butler - the IRC bot with class |
17 | 45,831 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-fogbugz | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Fogbugz. |
18 | 49,460 | 76,031 | taskmapper | TaskMapper provides a universal API to ticket tracking and project management systems. |
19 | 50,816 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-bugherd | Ticketmaster provider for Bugherd |
20 | 51,045 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-rally | This is a provider for ticketmaster. It provides interoperability with Rally and it's p... |
21 | 57,917 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-mingle | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Mingle |
22 | 57,930 | 76,031 | ticketmaster-teambox | Allows ticketmaster to interact with Teambox |
23 | 60,677 | 76,031 | taskmapper-pivotal | This is a taskmapper provider for interacting with Pivotal Tracker . |
24 | 63,122 | 56,059 | taskmapper-cli | Command line interface for TaskMapper |
25 | 66,218 | 40,711 | bugherd-api | BugherdAPI wrapper |
26 | 69,312 | 76,031 | taskmapper-zendesk | Allows taskmapper to interact with Your System. |
27 | 69,318 | 76,031 | taskmapper-redmine | Allows taskmapper to interact with Your System. |
28 | 69,390 | 76,031 | taskmapper-kanbanpad | Allows taskmapper to interact with kanbanpad. |
29 | 77,938 | 76,031 | taskmapper-unfuddle | Unfuddle provider for taskmapper implemented with ActiveResource |
30 | 82,034 | 45,533 | bucketface | Provides a wrapper for Bitbucket API |
31 | 82,825 | 76,031 | taskmapper-trac | Allows taskmapper to interact with Your System. |
32 | 83,088 | 76,031 | taskmapper-fogbugz | Allows taskmapper to interact with Fogbugz. |
33 | 100,719 | 76,031 | taskmapper-lighthouse | Allows taskmapper to interact with Lighthouse's issue tracking system. |
34 | 101,126 | 76,031 | taskmapper-jira | Interact with Atlassian JIRA ticketing system from Ruby |
35 | 101,572 | 76,031 | taskmapper-bugzilla | Allows taskmapper to interact with Bugzilla. |
36 | 101,803 | 76,031 | taskmapper-rally | This is a provider for taskmapper. It provides interoperability with Rally and it's pro... |
37 | 101,973 | 76,031 | taskmapper-bugherd | TaskMapper provider for Bugherd |
38 | 102,396 | 76,031 | xml_matchers | Validates xml schemas |
39 | 121,155 | 76,031 | rubyzilla | Rubyzilla is a Ruby API for interfacing with bugzilla. |
40 | 133,794 | 76,031 | taskmapper-mingle | Allows taskmapper to interact with Mingle |