Huacnlee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0952,222rails-settings-cachedThe best solution for store global settings in Rails applications. This gem will man...
23,9944,605social-share-buttonHelper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban...
37,06711,011twemojiA RubyGem to convert :heart: to Twitter cdn url
47,1675,661status-pageHealth monitoring Rails plug-in, which checks various services (db, cache, sidekiq, red...
57,95911,415rucaptchaCaptcha Gem for Rails, which generates captcha image by Rust.
68,4839,664second_level_cacheWrite Through and Read Through caching library inspired by CacheMoney and cache_fu, sup...
710,6808,554carrierwave-aliyunAliyun OSS support for Carrierwave
814,35418,952notificationsRails mountable Notification for any applications.
915,6498,180exception-trackTracking exceptions for Rails application store them in database by exception_notificat...
1017,73611,158carrierwave-upyunUpYun Storage support for CarrierWave
1118,09089,538redis-searchHigh performance real-time prefix search, indexes store in Redis for Rails application.
1218,58110,655audit-logTrail audit logs (Operation logs) into the database for user behaviors, including a web...
1321,11015,272activestorage-aliyunWraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.
1422,0256,159autocorrect-rbAutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct space...
1524,37189,538mongoid_auto_increment_idThis gem for change Mongoid id field as Integer like MySQL.
1624,67014,523action-storeStore difference kind of actions (Like, Follow, Star, Block ...) in one table via Activ...
1734,96189,538homelandA new style forum for tiny community as Rails Engine. You can mount this in you apps.
1842,61717,416booklab-smlSML is a rich text format for describe of the BookLab rich contents, base on [JsonML](h...
1944,71489,538mongoid_taggable_onMongoid Taggable provides some helpers to create taggable documents, can use many fields.
2045,70589,538homeland-pressPress/Blog/News plugin for Homeland, this gem is only work on Homeland Application.
2146,15689,538sailsSails, Help you to create Rails style Thrift Server
2249,26758,808homeland-wikiDisplay Wiki channel in navbar for wike pages.
2449,99920,990bluedoc-smlSML is a rich text format for describe of the BlueDoc rich contents, base on [JsonML](h...
2552,96789,538homeland-siteSite for Homeland.
2654,01923,828auto-correctAutomatically add whitespace between Chinese and and half-width characters (alphabetica...
2761,65189,538form-selectHelper of form select options.
2862,56716,242booklab-tocToc format read/write for BookLab
2965,62828,086action-draftAction Draft brings your ActiveRecord model to storage multiple draft attributes withou...
3070,21135,144enumizeExtend ActiveRecord::Enum for add more helpful methods
3171,34789,538gitlab-mail-receiverThe way of allow your GitLab support Email receive and parse the email content, and fin...
3274,16889,538homeland-jobsDisplay Job channel in navbar for list jobs.
3374,66458,808homeland-noteNote plugin for Homeland.
3479,04840,337backup-aliyunAliyun OSS Storage support for Backup
3583,33789,538sql-builderA simple SQL builder for generate SQL for non-ActiveRecord supports databases.
3695,34489,538has_messages_huacnleehas_messages fork for Rails 3, Demonstrates a reference implementation for sending mess...
3799,61947,536cocoaoutAuto build and release tool for Cocoa projects.
38106,56658,808html-pipeline-auto-correctAutoCorrect for html-pipeline
39119,87647,536actiontext-liteLite version of the ActionText.
40120,43947,536bluedoc-tocToc format read/write for BlueDoc
41120,56647,536commentsComment feature for any applications's any models.
42121,83947,536capistrano-upload-configsCapistrano plugin for Upload local config files to remote, and create soft link.
43124,92558,808qq-pengyouQQ opensns SDK api for Ruby,
44135,60647,536ar-octopus-masterThis gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in...
45139,10989,538devise-secure-passwordAdds configurable password policy enforcement to devise.
46145,02389,538ip-locationQuery location with IP address by Taobao Service!
47146,44389,538geocoder-kbProvides object geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (coordinates to ...
48148,66289,538innboxMountable Personal Messaging Engine for any Rails application.
49149,72689,538sidekiq-activerecord-shardA Sidekiq middleware for supports ActiveRecord Shard.
50151,86758,808bluedoc-licensebluedoc-license helps you generate, verify and enforce software licenses.
51153,74689,538rb_sys1Helpers for compiling Rust extensions for ruby
52150,20565,485booklab-licensebooklab-license helps you generate, verify and enforce software licenses.