Mdub's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19271,243clampClamp provides an object-model for command-line utilities. It handles parsing of comman...
23,6298,405sham_rackShamRack plumbs Net::HTTP directly into Rack, for quick and easy HTTP testing.
310,24210,779console_loggerA Logger customised for console output.
410,34410,651config_mapperMaps config data onto plain old objects
510,76611,146config_houndSniffs out config, wherever it may be.
611,35456,059representativeBuilds XML and JSON representations of your Ruby objects
711,84111,890cloud_shapedCloudShaped makes it easier to generate CloudFormation templates, using a Builder-like ...
815,23230,156ssssh"ssssh" is a small tool that can be used to encrypt and decrypt secrets, using the AWS ...
915,53215,129rspec-longrunAn RSpec formatter for long-running specs.
1017,91320,294blobbyVarious ways of storing BLOBs
1119,82545,533pithPith builds static websites, using markup/template languages including Haml, Sass, ERb,...
1220,57417,897another_enumSupport for defining enumerated types
1320,96776,031representative_viewBuilds XML and JSON from a single view template
1421,23928,629lazilyLazily implements "lazy" versions of many Enumerable methods, allowing streamed pro...
1523,10676,031arborealArboreal is yet another extension to ActiveRecord to support tree-shaped data structure...
1624,39826,648fake-aws-sdkFake implementation of AWS SDK
1726,70524,203newrelic-webmachineNewRelic instrumentation for Webmachine.
1829,44076,031swaAWS, backwards
1931,84476,031json-sequencePush parser for RFC7464 JSON Sequences
2035,69726,648gem_requireThis gem adds the `gem require` command. It's almost identical to `gem install`, excep...
2143,97956,059wikiwahWikiWah is a text-to-HTML converter, along the lines of Markdown. This isn't the mar...
2245,32930,156eyelinerEyeliner puts CSS makeup on your HTML emails.
2352,54633,042enumeratingEnumerating extends Enumerable with "lazy" versions of various operations, allowing str...
2452,94276,031hoickHoick is a command-line HTTP client. It's intended mainly as a tool for testing RESTfu...
2556,86076,031platform1A thin wrapper around Passenger Standalone.
2669,69876,031omniauth-dex-energyan OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with deX
2772,97976,031rack-livejsReload web-pages automatically
2878,85676,031basketcaseBasketCase is a (Ruby) script that encapsulates the Rational ClearCase command-line int...
2980,11776,031trunctionTrunction implements intelligent truncation of HTML text.
3080,14076,031greenscreenGreenScreen is a build monitoring tool that is designed to be used as a dynamic Big Vis...
3183,15276,031blobby-s3Store BLOBs in S3
3291,16345,533enumerable_fuEnumerableFu extends Enumerable with "lazy" versions of various operations, allowing st...
3391,67076,031pager_judya Ruby client and CLI for PagerDuty
3493,59640,711docker-shaballCreate a tar-ball containing some Docker images
3595,10476,031itunercontrol iTunes using Ruby
36101,95376,031green_logStructured logging for cloud-native systems.
37102,56176,031blobby-gcsStore BLOBs in Google Cloud Storage
38106,26976,031whereverProvides syntax sugar for Ruby predicate blocks
39118,20645,533docker-image-mapVisualize docker image history
40121,60676,031shipperShipper provides a simple way to deploy Docker-ised web-applications in AWS.
41149,16356,059docker_mapVisualize docker image history
42153,39676,031nemwebA Ruby client for