Hongli's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,185-passengerA modern web server and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js, optimized for ...
21,356-default_value_forThe default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...
32,011-daemon_controllerA library for robust daemon management.
44,122-digest-sha3The SHA-3 (Keccak) hash.
516,168-crash-watchMonitor processes and display useful information when they crash.
625,966-mizuhoA documentation formatting tool. Mizuho converts Asciidoc input files into nicely outpu...
731,154-eurovatA utility library for dealing with European Union VAT numbers
844,947-union_station_hooks_coreUnion Station Ruby hooks core code.
965,214-phusion-backupSimple backup tool utilizing rdiff-backup.
1082,884-sheetsapiA simple API for writing to Google Sheets
11115,668-union_station_hooks_railsUnion Station Rails hooks.
12126,285-work_batcherLibrary for batching work.
13149,865-distributed-lock-google-cloud-storageA distributed lock based on Google Cloud Storage
14178,831-debendenciesScans executables and shared libraries for their shared library dependencies, and outpu...