1 | 4,033 | 4,342 | fork | Represents forks (child processes) as objects and makes interaction with forks easy.
It... |
2 | 5,069 | 4,960 | iso-iban | ISO::IBAN implements IBAN (International Bank Account Number) specification as per ISO ... |
3 | 33,505 | 76,031 | baretest | Baretest is a Testframework that tries to stay out of your way, but support
you when yo... |
4 | 43,838 | 33,042 | butler | Butler - the IRC bot with class |
5 | 50,037 | 76,031 | swissmatch-location | Deal with swiss zip codes, communities, districts and cantons, using the official swiss... |
6 | 59,903 | 76,031 | swissmatch-rails | Adds ActiveRecord models and javascript assets for rails to swissmatch. |
7 | 60,730 | 35,654 | gem-new | Gem-new is a gem command plugin that allows you to easily create a new gem. |
8 | 61,437 | 76,031 | autocompletion | This gem provides fast prefix-autocompletion in pure ruby. |
9 | 66,691 | 76,031 | swissmatch | Deal with everything related to swiss addresses. |
10 | 85,241 | 45,533 | directory_template | DirectoryTemplate is a library which lets you generate directory structures and files
f... |
11 | 96,070 | 76,031 | irb_drop | Enables you to drop into an IRB session from any code. |
12 | 102,497 | 76,031 | literal_parser | Parse Strings containing ruby literals and return a proper ruby object. |
13 | 103,954 | 76,031 | sorting | Helpful functionality for sorting and comparing. |
14 | 107,780 | 56,059 | tabledata | Read and write tabular data from and to various formats. |
15 | 114,567 | 45,533 | chronos | (none yet) |
16 | 116,331 | 76,031 | swissmatch-street | Parse, tokenize, analyze, repair and handle swiss street names and numbers. |
17 | 117,981 | 56,059 | swissmatch-directories | Query address data from swiss directory providers. |
18 | 118,619 | 76,031 | zeroload | Automatically autoload all constants for a module. This requires a change from
the curr... |
19 | 132,964 | 76,031 | panorama | Panorama provides a templating system, which allows the use of partials and content ins... |
20 | 138,132 | 76,031 | inherit | Avoid the anti-pattern of `def self.included(base); base.extend …; end`, without gettin... |
21 | 140,231 | 76,031 | mockup_model | A class that pretends to be an active record model, useful for mockups. |
22 | 141,546 | 56,059 | jacob | Placeholder gem. Stay tuned. |