Apeiros's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0334,342forkRepresents forks (child processes) as objects and makes interaction with forks easy. It...
25,0694,960iso-ibanISO::IBAN implements IBAN (International Bank Account Number) specification as per ISO ...
333,50576,031baretestBaretest is a Testframework that tries to stay out of your way, but support you when yo...
443,83833,042butlerButler - the IRC bot with class
550,03776,031swissmatch-locationDeal with swiss zip codes, communities, districts and cantons, using the official swiss...
659,90376,031swissmatch-railsAdds ActiveRecord models and javascript assets for rails to swissmatch.
760,73035,654gem-newGem-new is a gem command plugin that allows you to easily create a new gem.
861,43776,031autocompletionThis gem provides fast prefix-autocompletion in pure ruby.
966,69176,031swissmatchDeal with everything related to swiss addresses.
1085,24145,533directory_templateDirectoryTemplate is a library which lets you generate directory structures and files f...
1196,07076,031irb_dropEnables you to drop into an IRB session from any code.
12102,49776,031literal_parserParse Strings containing ruby literals and return a proper ruby object.
13103,95476,031sortingHelpful functionality for sorting and comparing.
14107,78056,059tabledataRead and write tabular data from and to various formats.
15114,56745,533chronos(none yet)
16116,33176,031swissmatch-streetParse, tokenize, analyze, repair and handle swiss street names and numbers.
17117,98156,059swissmatch-directoriesQuery address data from swiss directory providers.
18118,61976,031zeroloadAutomatically autoload all constants for a module. This requires a change from the curr...
19132,96476,031panoramaPanorama provides a templating system, which allows the use of partials and content ins...
20138,13276,031inheritAvoid the anti-pattern of `def self.included(base); base.extend …; end`, without gettin...
21140,23176,031mockup_modelA class that pretends to be an active record model, useful for mockups.
22141,54656,059jacobPlaceholder gem. Stay tuned.