Billdueber's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0227,555marcA ruby library for working with Machine Readable Cataloging
26,5294,918solr_wrapperSolr service wrapper
39,6099,514library_stdnumsA simple set of module functions to normalize, validate, and convert common library sta...
49,88710,916trajectAn easy to use, high-performance, flexible and extensible metadata transformation syste...
513,98311,002marc-fastxmlwriterFaster (but unverified) MARC-XML from a MARC Record
619,76376,031marcspecRelies on marc4j4r, based on work in solrmarc
720,49476,031marc4j4rSyntactic sugar and some extra methods to deal with MARC data using a fork of the excel...
825,78076,031jruby_streaming_update_solr_serverSome sugar on top of StreamingUpdateSolrServer for use within JRuby
926,49176,031marc2solrGiven a file of MARC records, send them to Sorl for indexing based on a set of MARCSpecs
1030,52924,203threachAn addition to the Enumerable module that allows easy use of threaded each and each-lik...
1138,51735,654traject_umich_formatThe algorithm used by the University of Michigan University Library to determine format...
1243,37335,654marc-marc4jProvides converters (and bundled jar files if you don't already have your own) to conve...
1356,06135,654traject_alephsequential_readerA basic traject reader to process Ex Libris's AlephSequential format on input
1459,47735,654marc_alephsequentialA ruby-marc reader for Aleph sequential files, a MARC serialization supported by Ex Lib...
1560,52635,654traject-marc4j_readerAllows jruby users to leverage marc-marc4j to use marc4j as a reader under traject.
1660,56040,711simple_solr_clientInteract with a Solr API via JSON
1762,24028,629match_mapMatchMap is a map representing key=>value pairs but where (a) a query argument can...
1865,33876,031jruby_threachRun a block of code in multiple threads. Similar to threach, but with the ability to de...
1972,12035,654naconormalizerApply NACO normaliation to a string. This is just a tiny wrapper around code taken from...
2091,79976,031lc_callnumberWork with LC Call (Classification) Numbers
21110,79433,042zinzoutTransparently open gzipped files for input/output
22118,28545,533high_level_browseMap LC call numbers to academic categories.
23120,66230,156date_named_fileUtility to deal with files with embedded dates
24122,97976,031jloggerInclude in your modules to get a defaul 'log' object; then use it to log stuff
25135,07376,031java_streamifythat's really about it...
26144,47276,031line_iteratorProvides methods to more easily work with line-oriented text file and records within th...
27145,73676,031samplelinesSimple command line utility to pick a random sample of lines out of the given file(s)
28152,78545,533milemarkerTrack and produce loglines for batch processing progress.
29156,06876,031traject-solrj_writerUse Traject into index data into Solr using solrj under JRuby
30166,23476,031solr_cursorstreamGet an iterator on a solr filter using stream/cursor
31174,91776,031solr_cloud-connectionDo basic administrative operations on a solr cloud instance and collections within
32168,91696,242waypointTrack and produce loglines for batch processing progress.