Bhuga's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,7735,260promiseA glimpse of a promising future in which Ruby supports delayed execution. Provides ...
210,9067,129chatops-controllerSee the README for documentation
315,51614,165spiraSpira is a framework for using the information in RDF.rb repositories as model objects.
428,57925,547quantityQuantity provides first-class quantities, units, and base quantities in pure ruby. Thin...
529,22020,071rdf-doRDF.rb extension providing a DataObjects storage adapter.
634,33141,377faraday-restrict-ip-addressesRestrict the IP addresses Faraday will connect to
7114,71664,836growl-amqpReport AMQP messages via Growl. Grr, grr!
8134,66241,377peek-activerecordPeek plugin for activerecord queries and timings