1 | 3,666 | 3,443 | idn-ruby | Ruby Bindings for the GNU LibIDN library, an implementation of the
Stringprep, Puny... |
2 | 5,775 | 16,059 | bloom-filter | A fast Bloom Filter library for Ruby for unices. |
3 | 7,495 | 13,291 | http-parser-lite | A lite ruby wrapper around Joyent http-parser |
4 | 14,699 | 2,656 | http-client | Light weight wrapper around Net::HTTP |
5 | 17,326 | 76,031 | swift | A rational rudimentary database abstraction. |
6 | 22,825 | 76,031 | pony-express | A fast and lightweight mailer for ruby that uses libmimetic for generating mails |
7 | 23,933 | 40,711 | hmac-uri | OpenSSL based HMAC signing for request urls with shared secret |
8 | 29,301 | 56,059 | swift-db-postgres | Swift adapter for PostgreSQL database |
9 | 32,751 | 76,031 | similie | similie is an image fingerprinting & comparison utility |
10 | 34,817 | 76,031 | ots | Ruby interface to libots libraries for unix. |
11 | 39,870 | 26,648 | flock | A thin ruby binding to Cluster 3.0 |
12 | 42,526 | 76,031 | swift-db-mysql | Swift adapter for MySQL database |
13 | 44,782 | 30,156 | em-redislite | EventMachine based Redis client |
14 | 45,802 | 40,711 | sinatra-paginate | Simple Sinatra pagination helper. |
15 | 46,880 | 76,031 | pastry | thin runner that forks and supports binding to single socket |
16 | 47,682 | 76,031 | sinatra-symphony | em-synchrony glue for sinatra. |
17 | 56,568 | 76,031 | swift-db-sqlite3 | Swift adapter for Sqlite3 database |
18 | 59,250 | 76,031 | pg_typecast | Extensions to pg gem supporting typecasting. |
19 | 60,014 | 35,654 | fastcaptcha | A simple and fast image captcha generator that uses opencv and memcached. |
20 | 70,405 | 30,156 | chipper | twitter text extraction utilities |
21 | 71,741 | 30,156 | claus | simple hash / array based rule matching engine |
22 | 92,577 | 76,031 | identify | Image identification in pure Ruby |
23 | 98,996 | 56,059 | sash | computes a 64bit hash using sdbm hash function and outputs a compact string representation |
24 | 126,027 | 56,059 | fuzzy-string | A collection of functions for fuzzy string matching. |
25 | 136,794 | 76,031 | roundup | Clean periodic snaphots while keeping files that matter |