Yohasebe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7334,576engtaggerA Ruby port of Perl Lingua::EN::Tagger, a probability based, corpus-trained tagger that...
26,7477,260lemmatizerLemmatizer for text in English. Inspired by Python's nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.morphy ...
316,89356,274rubyfcaCommand line Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) tool written in Ruby
420,76956,274wp2txtWP2TXT extracts text and category data from Wikipedia dump files (encoded in XML / comp...
523,24528,457rsyntaxtreeSyntax tree generator made with Ruby
630,84512,927ruby-spacyruby-spacy is a wrapper module for using spaCy from the Ruby programming language via P...
734,59756,274rubyplbCommand line Pattern Lattice building tool written in Ruby.
841,19056,274ted_talkTedTalk helps download TED talk video and covert it to a slowed down MP3 with pauses th...
961,51656,274rgingerRGinger takes an English sentence and gives correction and rephrasing suggestions for i...
1085,23956,274speak_slowSpeakSlow modifies audio files adding pauses and/or altering speed to suit for language...
11101,12538,928monadic-chatMonadic Chat is a command-line client application program that uses OpenAI's Text Compl...
12175,52056,274ruby-wordleA set of ruby scripts to generate word-lists, solve Wordle, and play Wordle