Jmazzi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,3206,871crypt_keeperTransparent ActiveRecord encryption
216,85450,918solusvmSolusvm allows for easy interaction with the SolusVM Admin::API.
317,35337,467lumbergRuby library for the WHM & cPanel API; It's not a half day or anything like that
421,83991,437O_Oraise O_O
524,38050,918moo_mooImplements OpenSRS XML Domain API
625,17691,437splinterSplinter is a Capybara Ninja
727,83550,918squallA Ruby library for working with the OnApp REST API
829,60650,918crypt_keeper_providersEncryption providers for crypt_keeper
929,94218,898hamburglarHamburglar helps you prevent fraudulent orders
1039,11191,437snuggieSnuggie wraps the Softaculous API in a warm, loving ruby embrace.
1152,68123,720fanny_packRuby bindings for the Fantastico API
1253,22691,437lita-xmppA XMPP adapter for Lita.
1370,26250,918gmcmillan-xmpp4rXMPP4R is an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby.
1470,54891,437rainbow_saySay it with rainbows, it's better.
1575,70730,828malcolmA collection of Faraday middleware
1686,56150,918outatimeChoose file versions from a versioned S3 bucket based on a given time.
1791,32691,437passenger-jmazziPassenger with backtraces removed
1899,81137,467rainmanA library for writing drivers using the abstract factory pattern
19100,88350,918americaConvert between state names and abbreviations.
20122,02050,918blestaA Ruby library for working with the Blesta Resellers API
21138,80150,918wutangAn experimental command line password manager
22162,20137,467minitar-jmazziArchive::Tar::Minitar is a pure-Ruby library and command-line utility that provides the...