Ajn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,8936,390permalink_fuAutomatically convert fields to permalinks
370,52434,202paperclip-hackedFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
478,65770,493redis-columnThe RedisColumn gem allows for the seamless integration of Redis within your ActiveReco...
587,242110,973dynamic-fieldsAllows for automatic migrations with ActiveRecord
693,335157,485wordifyCovert Numerics into words
793,85813,364sort_orderManipulate column sort orders...
8111,403110,973bingointConvert Integers into their Bingo equivalent. No really.
9118,99660,791dragonfly-stylesExtends Dragonfly to allow for paperclip-like style definitions.
10122,913110,973methodiseRails gem/plugin which adds quick access to parent model methods