Minam's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1114206net-sshNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. It allows you to writ...
2196381net-scpA pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol
3302375net-sftpA pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol
4371584bsonA fully featured BSON specification implementation in Ruby
5489623mongoA Ruby driver for MongoDB
6640508prawnPrawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
77361,700net-ssh-gatewayA simple library to assist in establishing tunneled Net::SSH connections
89111,331mongoidMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
91,3272,721net-ssh-multiControl multiple Net::SSH connections via a single interface.
102,2964,019capistrano-extUseful task libraries and methods for Capistrano
112,4712,380bulk_insertFaster inserts! Insert N records in a single statement.
122,6394,244sqlite3-rubyThis module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://...
132,8612,626mail_viewVisual email testing
143,6025,321prawn-layoutAn extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionality
153,6355,332prawn-corePrawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
163,8086,445prawn-securityPrawn/Security adds document encryption, password protection, and permissions to Prawn.
175,0367,300prawn-formatan extension of Prawn that allows inline formatting
1813,21916,976net-ssh-shellA simple library to aid with stateful shell interactions
1915,56663,206needleNeedle is a Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control container for Ruby. It supports b...
2016,08022,458sqlite-rubySQLite/Ruby is a module to allow Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite database.
2116,26620,225spectaclesSpectacles adds database view functionality to ActiveRecord. Current supported adapters...
2220,20685,430mongo_kerberosAdds Kerberos authentication via libsasl to the MongoDB Ruby Driver on MRI and JRuby
2326,48912,410libmongocrypt-helperlibmongocrypt convenience package
2443,88363,206prawn-jsA small extension to prawn that simplifies embedding JavaScript in your PDF files
2552,62645,155captchaA Google-style captcha for enterprise Rails apps
2666,14139,727theseusTheseus is a library for building random mazes.
2775,21685,430sqlppA simplistic SQL parser and pretty-printer
2879,68239,727coplandCopland is an "Inversion of Control" (IoC, also called "Dependency Injec...
29108,79685,430needle-extrasNeedle-Extras is a collection of additional services that can be used with Needle. This...
30112,54663,206capistrano-edgeCapistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...
31113,96252,353query-composerBuild complex SQL queries by defining each subquery separately. Query::Composer will th...
32117,59263,206derring-doDerring-Do is a very eager progress monitor for console Ruby applications.
33135,35285,430hangul_toolsConvert Korean text to latin characters, using either the Revised system or McCune-Reis...
34136,70752,353test_session_managerAllow tests for Rails applications to inject session data (including flash) into test r...
35141,48163,206wordsearch-puzzleGenerates word-search puzzles and emits them to PDF. Customizable.
36153,88585,430ifrbWe spend much of our professional lives in IRB. Why not make a game of it?
37157,55363,206castawayConstruct screencasts in Ruby! Write your script, declare your timeline, mix your a...
38158,15463,206chaussettesA wrapper around the sox audio manipulation utility
39159,49963,206code_slideA library for turning code snippets into slides. Automatically turn your source cod...
40159,88563,206pdf-imposeArrange pages of existing PDF documents so they fit on a single page, and so they c...
41161,91085,430process-roulettePlay roulette with your computer! Randomly kill processes until your machine crashes. T...
42177,09785,430railsmdbA CLI for assisting Rails programmers in creating and managing Rails projects that use ...