Ryanbigg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169i18nNew wave Internationalization support for Ruby.
2326430redis-storeNamespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo...
3342451redis-rackRedis Store for Rack applications
4351455redis-actionpackRedis session store for ActionPack. Used for storing the Rails session in Redis.
5416890redis-activesupportRedis store for ActiveSupport
6451419ransackRansack is the successor to the MetaSearch gem. It improves and expands upon MetaSearch...
74811,051redis-railsRedis for Ruby on Rails
8700580paranoiaParanoia is a re-implementation of acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6, and 7, using mu...
9710564uuidUUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122 (http://w...
108441,201haml-railsHaml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 5. It also enables Haml as the templating...
119321,575polyamorousThis is just an extraction from Ransack/Squeel. You probably don't want to use this ...
121,6941,862humanizeExtension to Numeric to humanize numbers
132,6942,745redis-rack-cacheA Redis backend store for Rack::Cache
142,9642,698dotiwdotiw is a gem for Rails that overrides the default distance_of_time_in_w...
153,0015,158squeelSqueel unlocks the power of Arel in your Rails application with a handy block-bas...
165,6174,744by_starActiveRecord and Mongoid extension for easier date scopes and time ranges
176,4728,333nested_layoutsPlugin allows to specify outer layouts for particular layout thus creating nested layouts.
187,1504,258omniauth-lightspeedOmniAuth strategy for Lightspeed.
198,06069,238spree_promoRequired dependency for Spree
208,09869,238spree_dashRequired dependency for Spree
2110,7827,048spree_i18nProvides locale information for use in Spree.
2220,46128,333ordinalizeGenerates long winded string versions of numbers, ordinalized
2320,55169,238lookupLazy man's RI
2421,18669,238octopiA Ruby interface to GitHub API v2
2531,96769,238redis-store-testingredis-store testing
2632,94069,238forem-redcarpetProvides Recarpet markup (with syntax highlighting by pygments.rb) for Forem posts
2735,97069,238houserLightweight multitenancy gem.
2840,03269,238searcherLabel-based straight-SQL searcher
2967,73769,238log15Structured logging.
3084,94269,238find_by_hashExtension to ActiveRecord to allow you to do findy-thingies with hashes
3190,35169,238radar-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
3298,87469,238justFor when you want your aliases but you're using someone else's computer.
3399,21869,238stackedRuby wrapper for the Stack Overflow API
34100,31469,238foremThe best Rails 3 forum engine in the world.
35115,14969,238foodieFor food
36116,66069,238forem-rdiscountProvides RDiscount markup for Forem posts
37116,96969,238sriGenerate an SRI (Sub-Resource Integrity) Hash
38121,60069,238response_loggerLogs responses of Net::HTTP requests
39121,97069,238radar-dnssdDNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour) API for Ruby 1.9
40125,32269,238spec-benchBenchmarks your code through RSpec automated testing
41127,30569,238ticketee-foremInsert Forem description.
42174,33369,238jot-helpersProvides helper methods for working with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)