#272's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,1325,780warden-rspec-railsRails controller spec helpers for warden.
212,60912,792mongoid-paginationA simple pagination module for Mongoid
315,62535,840bank_lookupLookup bank names by routing number.
420,31721,057bldrProvides a simple and intuitive templating DSL for serializing objects to JSON.
526,47423,640bunyanBunyan is a thin ruby wrapper around a MongoDB capped collection, created with high-per...
642,20640,391failsafeTiny little library for silently handling errors so they don't interrupt program flow.
745,45875,347rack-request-profilerProvides a framework for sending wall time statistics to external services, such as sta...
860,87575,347optimis-workflow-scriptsScripts include git workflow scripts that integrate with pivotal tracker.
962,62940,391campfire-notifierSee github page.
1074,46875,347papermill-agentThe client agent for papermillapp.com
1174,81946,481ajsharp-sinatra-respond_toA respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra
1275,69575,347zaarly-urbanairshipUrbanairship is a Ruby library for interacting with the Urbanairship (http://urbanairsh...
1375,72175,347rack-key_value_loggerStructured, key-value logging for your rack apps. Inspired by lograge.
1477,14256,155passenger_monWhen you need to control the memory footprint of your passenger processes
1580,61775,347ideapadTiny utility for keeping track of ideas.
1691,56775,347request_lumberjackA simple request logger to be used with Rails and other Rack apps.
1795,92675,347mongo_utilsA collection of utilities for working with MongoDB.
18117,02556,155em-stathatEssentially a clone of the normal stathat gem, only for use with EventMachine.
19117,45456,155bucketeerUtility to assist with bucketing data
20118,92475,347zaarly-sinatra-sprocketsUse Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.