Tomtaylor's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,29938,118graphite_graphDSL for generating Graphite graphs
225,89033,606pdf_infoWraps the pdfinfo command line tool to provide a hash of metadata
342,07644,572geo-spiderTool for spidering websites/blogs, extracting geodata from specific pages. Starting at...
545,16138,118pdf_marginsSimple library to checks whether the margins are clear in a PDF
6103,700135,887colorfulnessRuby library to calculate the colorfulness of a ChunkyPNG Image
7111,600135,887term-extractorExtract terms from text using a selection of web based parsers.
8123,363135,887attributed_stringA String class, but with attributes marking data at specific ranges.
9141,07794,831flambientTriangular pixel effects on PNGs
10143,497135,887sidekiq_statsd_middlewareServer Middleware for Sidekiq to report metrics from workers to StatsD