1 | 3,221 | - | holiday_jp | Japanese Holidays from 1970 to 2050. |
2 | 7,213 | - | fastclick-rails | gem for fastclick.js |
3 | 18,329 | - | view_id | Identifier your view from controller and action. |
4 | 23,260 | - | dm-validations-i18n | Localize error messages in dm-validations. |
5 | 33,690 | - | pankuzu | Generate breadcrumbs simply. |
6 | 38,535 | - | simple_seed | Simple Seed Loader from fixuure. |
7 | 41,105 | - | rubocop-fjord | rubocop rules for fjord, Inc. |
8 | 54,388 | - | client_side_validations-with_hidden | Enable validation to hidden element using ClientSideValidations. |
9 | 63,652 | - | mentionable | Discovery mentions from ActiveRecord column. |
10 | 66,060 | - | availablizer | Converting string to availablize. |
11 | 66,366 | - | time_compact | Displays time compactly. |
12 | 68,413 | - | fixed_footer-rails | Injects fixed-footer.js into your app. |
13 | 74,302 | - | lokka-basic_auth | Basic authentication plugin for Lokka. |
14 | 84,292 | - | sexy_li | Make easy creating typicaly list. |
15 | 90,013 | - | insert_at_caret-rails | Insert string at caret in text area. |
16 | 94,786 | - | google-search_rank | Easy to get to Google Search rankgs. |
17 | 107,794 | - | kowabana-parser | Parsing KML(Kowabana Markup Language). |
18 | 108,324 | - | blogfun | Project that offers API for various data of www.blogfun.org. |
19 | 119,795 | - | turboctrl | Javascript controller for Rails. |
20 | 120,907 | - | newspaper | Newspaper is a small library that provides a pub/sub mechanism for ruby. |
21 | 121,218 | - | css_selector | Filtering STDIN by CSS Selector |
22 | 123,941 | - | lokka | CMS written in Ruby for cloud computing. |
23 | 126,419 | - | showstopper | ShowStopper is capistrano recipe that stop deploy when rspec is red. |
24 | 128,248 | - | eastasianwidth-rails | gem for eastasianwidth.js |
25 | 129,720 | - | lokka-hello | Lokka sample plugin. |
26 | 131,032 | - | lokka-hello_app | Lokka App style plugin sample |
27 | 165,118 | - | crazy_train | Provides a RESTful API for database tables for your rails apps. |