Komagata's Gems

See profile on Gravatar
#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,221-holiday_jpJapanese Holidays from 1970 to 2050.
27,213-fastclick-railsgem for fastclick.js
318,329-view_idIdentifier your view from controller and action.
423,260-dm-validations-i18nLocalize error messages in dm-validations.
533,690-pankuzuGenerate breadcrumbs simply.
638,535-simple_seedSimple Seed Loader from fixuure.
741,105-rubocop-fjordrubocop rules for fjord, Inc.
854,388-client_side_validations-with_hiddenEnable validation to hidden element using ClientSideValidations.
963,652-mentionableDiscovery mentions from ActiveRecord column.
1066,060-availablizerConverting string to availablize.
1166,366-time_compactDisplays time compactly.
1268,413-fixed_footer-railsInjects fixed-footer.js into your app.
1374,302-lokka-basic_authBasic authentication plugin for Lokka.
1484,292-sexy_liMake easy creating typicaly list.
1590,013-insert_at_caret-railsInsert string at caret in text area.
1694,786-google-search_rankEasy to get to Google Search rankgs.
17107,794-kowabana-parserParsing KML(Kowabana Markup Language).
18108,324-blogfunProject that offers API for various data of www.blogfun.org.
19119,795-turboctrlJavascript controller for Rails.
20120,907-newspaperNewspaper is a small library that provides a pub/sub mechanism for ruby.
21121,218-css_selectorFiltering STDIN by CSS Selector
22123,941-lokkaCMS written in Ruby for cloud computing.
23126,419-showstopperShowStopper is capistrano recipe that stop deploy when rspec is red.
24128,248-eastasianwidth-railsgem for eastasianwidth.js
25129,720-lokka-helloLokka sample plugin.
26131,032-lokka-hello_appLokka App style plugin sample
27165,118-crazy_trainProvides a RESTful API for database tables for your rails apps.