Danielmorrison's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,2071,379figaroSimple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using ENV and a single YAML file
21,2611,278auditedLog all changes to your models
31,4231,734awesome_nested_setAn awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
43,5025,414audited-activerecordLog all changes to your ActiveRecord models
54,1322,723mapbox-sdkRuby bindings for the Mapbox API
64,5967,707tinderA Ruby API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application.
76,6739,385sunspot_testTesting sunspot with cucumber can be a pain. This gem will automatically start/stop sol...
87,39810,474graticuleGraticule is a geocoding API that provides a common interface to all the popular servic...
913,57676,031acts_as_geocodableSimple geocoding for Active Record models. See the README for more details.
1019,80076,031with_actionA respond_to style helper for doing different actions based on which request parameters...
1130,49240,711audited-mongo_mapperLog all changes to your MongoMapper models
1230,96126,648deploy_and_deliverMark Pivotal Tracker stories as Delivered on deploy.
1357,14176,031unicode_mathFun Ruby extensions for doing math with Unicode
1459,53730,156crowdA client for Atlassian Crowd v1.1.0r2. Notes: WSDL stub generated with wsdl2ruby.rb --...
1568,41576,031adapter-simpledbAdapter for Amazon SimpleDB
1689,57776,031integrity-nabaztagA Nabaztag notifier for integrity
17164,19012,051protoc-gen-twirp_rubyA protoc plugin that generates Twirp-Ruby services and clients. A pure Ruby alternative...
18176,75276,031twirp-on-railsA simple way to serve Twirp RPC services in a Rails app. Minimial configuration and fam...