1 | 411 | 725 | turbolinks-source | Turbolinks JavaScript assets |
2 | 421 | 2,186 | hike | A Ruby library for finding files in a set of paths. |
3 | 1,939 | 2,537 | ejs | Compile and evaluate EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templates from Ruby. |
4 | 2,006 | 2,975 | yui-compressor | A Ruby interface to YUI Compressor for minifying JavaScript and CSS assets. |
5 | 2,171 | 3,905 | eco-source | JavaScript source code for the Eco (Embedded CoffeeScript template language) compiler |
6 | 2,175 | 3,913 | eco | Ruby Eco is a bridge to the official JavaScript Eco compiler. |
7 | 2,902 | 3,530 | mail_view | Visual email testing |
8 | 2,963 | 4,124 | global_phone | GlobalPhone parses, validates, and formats local and international phone numbers accord... |
9 | 3,525 | 4,180 | dimensions | A pure Ruby library for measuring the dimensions and rotation angles of GIF, PNG, JPEG ... |
10 | 7,457 | 8,974 | global_phone_dbgen | Provides a global_phone_dbgen command to generate databases for the GlobalPhone library. |
11 | 26,858 | 24,203 | brochure | A Rack application for serving static sites with ERB templates. |
12 | 34,509 | 76,031 | hector | A private group chat server for people you trust. Implements a limited subset of the IR... |
13 | 79,274 | 76,031 | windy | Windy is a Ruby module that allows you to easily interact with the City of Chicago's Da... |
14 | 90,552 | 76,031 | gosh | Security theater for piped shell scripts. |
15 | 92,590 | 76,031 | tcl | A minimal Ruby interface to libtcl |
16 | 105,888 | 76,031 | irb-history | Persistent, shared IRB Readline history |
17 | 122,641 | 76,031 | hork | Rack middleware for compressing JS and CSS assets with YUI Compressor |