Afstanton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
138,89833,698afs_dev_testA collection of dev/test gems I find useful.
250,25133,698afs_devA collection of dev gems I find useful.
391,89833,698afs_appA collection of test gems I find useful.
4166,011151,891ddb_rubyRead DDB JSON in Ruby.
5168,48751,780json_flitA flexible system of using JSON to define the structure of a page.
6168,509151,891flit_view_componentsView Components based on Flutter widgets.
7175,74975,401material_flitTheming for FlitViewComponents using the Google Material Design system.
8175,93439,960lti_coreImplmentation of the LTI Core standard for Ruby.
9176,53851,780lti_advantage_railsImplmentation of the LTI Advantage standard as a Rails engine.
10176,76357,235lti_dl_railsImplmentation of the LTI DL standard as a Rails engine.
11176,86157,235lti_ags_railsImplmentation of the LTI AGS standard as a Rails engine.
12176,86957,235lti_core_railsImplmentation of the LTI Core standard as a Rails engine.
13176,87657,235lti_nrps_railsImplmentation of the LTI NRPS standard as a Rails engine.
14177,14591,966foundry_rubyRead and write Foundry files in Ruby.
15177,21691,966hl_rubyRead and write HL files in Ruby.
16177,60791,966rpg_rubyRpg files in Ruby.
17177,82875,401lti_nrpsImplmentation of the LTI NRPS standard for Ruby.
18178,05465,668lti_dlImplmentation of the LTI DLstandard for Ruby.
19178,08775,401lti_agsImplmentation of the LTI AGS standard for Ruby.
20178,76175,401lti_advantageImplmentation of the LTI Advantage standard for Ruby.
21178,905113,030alchemy_rubyRead and write Alchemy files in Ruby.
22179,092113,030pcgen_rubyRead and write PCGen files in Ruby.
23179,327113,030roll20_rubyRuby code for Roll20.
24179,945151,891edlinkRead DDB JSON in Ruby.