Bernerdschaefer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4604,530extlibSupport library for Merb
22,5234,627mopedA MongoDB driver for Ruby.
36,83712,072datamapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
413,64619,389akephalosHeadless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara
539,01052,733rails_datamapperRails Plugin for DataMapper
663,77784,840mail_builderMailBuilder is a simple library for building RFC compliant MIME emails.
765,22684,840haml-serverServer for HAML files
882,153105,358tiffRuby wrapper for libtiff with FFI
989,874105,358testdriveTestDrive is a simple ruby and jruby compatible automatic test runner.
10118,346168,370harborHarbor Framework
11125,925105,358uninhibitedThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
12132,066136,377ttf2eotConvert TTF fonts to EOT fonts