1 | 8,124 | 12,280 | rails_safe_tasks | Automatically disable dangerous Rake tasks in production |
2 | 9,498 | 12,122 | procodile | A sophisticated process manager for applications running on Linux & macOS. |
3 | 10,074 | 35,654 | encrypto_signo | Basic encryption and signing library for Ruby |
4 | 11,150 | 26,648 | log_logins | A Rails library for logging login attempts and blocking as appropriate. |
5 | 11,151 | 23,418 | authie | A Rails library for storing user sessions in a backend database |
6 | 11,635 | 30,156 | nifty-utils | A set of useful utilties for Rails applications. |
7 | 12,990 | 40,711 | moonrope | A full library allowing you to create sexy DSLs to define your RPC-like APIs. |
8 | 14,574 | 16,059 | sirportly | A Ruby library for interacting with the Sirportly API. |
9 | 14,821 | 7,226 | moonrope-client | A full client library allows requests to made to Moonrope-enabled API endpoints. |
10 | 15,884 | 7,207 | postal-ruby | Ruby library for the Postal e-mail platform |
11 | 15,934 | 7,330 | postal-rails | Rails/ActionMailer library for the Postal E-Mail Platform |
12 | 16,017 | 12,752 | codebase | Gem companion for your Codebase account. Including interactive cloning, key management ... |
13 | 16,227 | 76,031 | json_vat | Allows you to easily lookup VAT rats for EU countries based on the data from jsonvat.com. |
14 | 16,547 | 25,572 | basic_ssl | Basic encryption and signing wrapper |
15 | 16,896 | 8,230 | lizard | Very simple ImageMagick interface for Ruby |
16 | 17,814 | 23,418 | changey | An Active Record extension to provide state callbacks |
17 | 17,981 | 76,031 | shoppe | A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application. |
18 | 18,506 | 76,031 | atech | Libraries & Utilities from aTech Media |
19 | 18,813 | 76,031 | procman | A very very simple library for starting/stopping/restarting processes for a Ruby applic... |
20 | 19,353 | 76,031 | appli | Deployment Recipes for Appli |
21 | 19,487 | 40,711 | nifty-dialog | A javascript library for working with dialogs |
22 | 20,280 | 76,031 | atech-billy | Easy to use client library for Billy |
23 | 20,452 | 14,969 | codebase4 | The RubyGem for Codebase v4 Deployment Tracking (replaces previous codebase gems) |
24 | 21,599 | 18,694 | florrick | A Rails extension for providing awesome user-initiated string interpolation |
25 | 23,292 | 11,442 | maxminder | Simple (non-bloated) Ruby library for MaxMind |
26 | 25,869 | 45,533 | atech_cloud | The RubyGem for the aTech Cloud |
27 | 26,188 | 76,031 | nifty-key-value-store | A key value store controller for Rails models |
28 | 26,886 | 25,572 | secure_random_string | A library for generating random string |
29 | 26,998 | 40,711 | nifty-attachments | Attach documents & files to Active Record models |
30 | 28,561 | 76,031 | memist | A Ruby Memoization Helper |
31 | 29,517 | 76,031 | viaduct-toolkit | A set of useful tools to help developers use & manage their Viaduct applications. |
32 | 30,211 | 40,711 | uninterruptible | Uninterruptible gives your socket server magic restarting powers. Send your running Uni... |
33 | 30,787 | 76,031 | rbg | Ruby Backgrounder allows multiple copies of ruby scripts to be run in the background an... |
34 | 32,197 | 23,418 | documentation | It does cool stuff! |
35 | 34,830 | 56,059 | rails_env_config | Loads the complete contents of config/environment.yml into ENV when a Rails application... |
36 | 36,725 | 28,629 | dotfiles | CLI client for the mydotfiles.com |
37 | 36,814 | 21,671 | deployhq | API and CLI client for the DeployHQ deployment platform. Provides the deployhq executable. |
38 | 37,937 | 35,654 | datey | A Ruby library for formatting & interrogating dates & times |
39 | 39,504 | 76,031 | viaduct-archfile | A validation tool for checking the validity of a Viaduct Archfile |
40 | 41,563 | 22,323 | point | API client for the PointHQ DNS Hosting System |
41 | 42,448 | 76,031 | steve | Steve Jobs background job runner |
42 | 43,133 | 76,031 | attach | Attach documents & files to Active Record models |
43 | 47,849 | 76,031 | objectstore | A SQL based object store library |
44 | 49,923 | 76,031 | viaduct-api | A full client library allows requests to made to the Viaduct API. |
45 | 49,944 | 76,031 | shoppe-stripe | A Stripe module to assist with the integration of Stripe. |
46 | 54,695 | 33,042 | dnstools | Set of DNS CLI Tools |
47 | 54,956 | 40,711 | records_manipulator | Add manipulations to an Active Record scope to change the records when they are finally... |
48 | 55,397 | 40,711 | leveret | Simple RabbitMQ backed backround worker |
49 | 55,671 | 56,059 | blogpostify | Fetch, cache and display blog posts in your Rails app. |
50 | 56,886 | 56,059 | billy_signup | Insert into your application and you'll have Billy::SignupsController and associated views |
51 | 57,348 | 56,059 | hippo-cli | A utility tool for deploying and building with Docker & Kubernetes |
52 | 58,271 | 76,031 | sqb | A friendly SQL builder for MySQL. |
53 | 61,157 | 40,711 | rack-custom-proxies | Allow easier configuration of the trusted proxies list |
54 | 61,706 | 76,031 | berty | Berty the backup gem |
55 | 62,027 | 76,031 | viaduct-webpush | A client library allows messages to be sent to the WebPush API. |
56 | 64,751 | 76,031 | ssh-wrapper | Ruby wrapper for ssh |
57 | 65,095 | 40,711 | omniauth-atech | OmniAuth strategy for aTech Media |
58 | 66,084 | 76,031 | sshake | A wrapper for net/ssh to make running commands more fun |
59 | 66,715 | 26,648 | deploy-agent | This gem allows you to configure a secure proxy through which Deploy can forward connec... |
60 | 69,785 | 40,711 | procodile-capistrano | Capistrano scripts for deploying applications with Procodile. |
61 | 69,795 | 35,654 | fake_person | A Ruby library for creating fake personalities |
62 | 71,403 | 56,059 | myxi | A RabbitMQ-based web socket server & framework |
63 | 72,333 | 76,031 | noti | Easy to use client library for Noti |
64 | 74,591 | 20,868 | cuetip | An ActiveRecord job queueing system |
65 | 75,389 | 76,031 | send_file_with_range | A Rails addition which will allow sending of files with appropriate range headers |
66 | 77,020 | 76,031 | sum-notify | Notification system for being notified when things happen on the aTech Management Inter... |
67 | 78,404 | 76,031 | riptables | An Ruby DSL for generating iptables configuration. |
68 | 81,325 | 76,031 | secure_trading | Secure Trading Ruby Library |
69 | 81,467 | 76,031 | atech_docs | Webserver and library for rendering and previewing documentation for the aTech Support ... |
70 | 91,950 | 56,059 | swamp-cli | A framework for writing simple CLI applications in Ruby. |
71 | 93,523 | 76,031 | apns-client | A Ruby client library for communicating with the APNS Proxy server. |
72 | 93,523 | 40,711 | dasher-ruby | A full client library allows requests to made to the Dasher API. |
73 | 93,966 | 76,031 | jobster | A RabbitMQ-based job queueing system |
74 | 97,478 | 76,031 | mail_autoconfig | Determine configuration details for a mailbox using Mozilla's ISPDB |
75 | 98,621 | 40,711 | authorized_networks | An easy way to verify IPs are on authorized networkjs. |
76 | 100,254 | 76,031 | viaduct_rails_helpers | A selection of useful helpers for Rails application when hosted on Viaduct. |
77 | 101,828 | 76,031 | actionnav | A navigation manager for Rails applications. |
78 | 102,939 | 76,031 | keyman | A simple library for managing distributed SSH keys |
79 | 107,792 | 76,031 | nifty-model-json | A Rails extension for creating JSON hashes for Active Record classes |
80 | 109,827 | 76,031 | atech-network-log-io | Client for the aTech Log Server. |
81 | 109,864 | 76,031 | atechtools | Tools for aTech employees, if you aren't an aTech employee this gem will be mostly usel... |
82 | 111,020 | 76,031 | basicssl | Basic encryption and signing wrapper |
83 | 114,191 | 76,031 | appmail | Ruby library for the AppMail E-Mail Platform |
84 | 115,044 | 76,031 | appmail-rails | Rails/ActionMailer library for the AppMail E-Mail Platform |
85 | 116,756 | 76,031 | nissh | A wrapper for net/ssh to make running commands more fun |
86 | 118,892 | 45,533 | cert-auth | Web Interface for an OpenSSL Certificate Authority |
87 | 119,407 | 76,031 | potamus | A utility tool for building Docker images |
88 | 119,577 | 76,031 | atech_foreign_currency | A quick and simple currency converter |
89 | 120,813 | 40,711 | ipgeo | A client for communicating with an IPGeo server |
90 | 123,505 | 76,031 | point-cli | CLI client for the PointHQ DNS Hosting System |
91 | 124,242 | 76,031 | public-gem | An empty public gem. |
92 | 124,280 | 76,031 | gulp_rails | A library to assist with compiling assets with Rails at request-time. |
93 | 125,623 | 76,031 | txtlocal | An API wrapper for txtlocal.co.uk |
94 | 128,476 | 45,533 | color_fun | A little gem for playing with colors in Ruby |
95 | 130,436 | 76,031 | ripe-db | A Ruby library for inteacting with the RIPE database |
96 | 130,836 | 76,031 | apns-key-convert | This script will take a P12 and CER file and generate a PEM file for use when sending n... |
97 | 131,011 | 76,031 | postal-mailgem | Use Postal with the Ruby mail gem |
98 | 139,935 | 76,031 | monograph | A command line tool for generating beautiful HTML eBooks from Markdown documents |
99 | 140,077 | 76,031 | localresolv | A DNS server which returns for any domain you provide |
100 | 141,184 | 76,031 | parameter_sets | A friendly schema for defining permitted parameters in Rails. |
101 | 142,879 | 56,059 | geolocate | A library to return information about a given IP (currently using ip-api.com) |
102 | 143,468 | 56,059 | documentation-elasticsearch | Adds support for Elasticsearch to the Documentation gem |
103 | 145,357 | 76,031 | viaduct-gandi | A Gandi module for working with domain registrations. |
104 | 148,971 | 76,031 | apiable_model_errors | Avoid sending plain text messages to API consumers by sending them more detailed inform... |
105 | 149,740 | 45,533 | hmrc-moss-return | A Ruby library for generating a HMRC VAT MOSS return document |
106 | 151,852 | 76,031 | param_auto_permit | A Rails extension to avoid duplicating attribute lists between forms & controllers |
107 | 153,209 | 56,059 | viaduct_metric_catcher | Automatically catch metrics and send them to the Viaduct Metrics service |
108 | 155,143 | 76,031 | plesk-ruby | A client library which facilitates communication to and from the Plesk API. |
109 | 157,640 | 76,031 | appmail-mailgem | Use AppMail with the Ruby mail gem |
110 | 160,236 | 56,059 | myops-textlocal | A MyOps module for sending text messages using TextLocal |
111 | 160,528 | 56,059 | hs1xx | Control TP-Link HS100/110 devices |
112 | 161,461 | 76,031 | muck | This tool will automatically backup & store MySQL dump files from remote servers. |
113 | 169,208 | 76,031 | paramburger | A friendly schema for defining permitted parameters in Rails. |