Tsujigiri's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,79476,031soapy_cakeSimple client for the CAKE API (http://getcake.com)
222,07816,932bucket_cakeGet cakeproto objects from S3.
324,75876,031ad2games-ui_componentsUI components for ad2games projects
426,97676,031rails_migrate_mutexRuns Rails migrations in a Redis-backed mutex.
542,30176,031rfortuneFor further details consult the README file.
650,32924,203cushionA Hash with indifferent access and CouchDB persistence layer
750,36676,031adk2API client for adk2
852,25628,629easybillCreate invoices with Easybill
954,67645,533bluekaiSimple client for the BlueKai API (services.bluekai.com)
1060,50776,031soapy_yandexClient library for Yandex Money.
1178,85176,031importeurUniversal data importer
1284,68976,031local_copyCreates a local copy of a remote file if it doesn't already exist
1388,35128,629next_recordadds `next` and `previous` methods to your ActiveRecord instances
14113,72676,031rspec-interceptIntercept method calls
15122,21876,031lambdaalias_method :λ, :lambda
16136,07376,031tubemogul_apiTubemogul API Client.
17155,91945,533cs-rubocop-gitRuboCop for git diff.
18167,42276,031proxy-mateGenerates a PDF with standard size playing cards of your choice