Tbuehlmann's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,01616,894dry-struct-settersThis gem adds the ability to add setter methods to otherwise setter-method-less Dry::St...
216,710121,991percyPercy is an IRC Bot framework inspired by isaac with various changes.
348,279121,991ponderPonder (Stibbons) is a Domain Specific Language for writing IRC Bots using the EventMac...
455,99444,356vetinariVetinari is a multithreaded IRC Bot Framework using the Celluloid::IO library.
570,70748,948versacommerce-cliVersacommerce::CLI is a Command Line Interface tool that interacts with several VersaCo...
676,951121,991pasuPasu is a simple HTTP Server for serving (and uploading) Files.
780,57654,433versacommerce-theme_api_clientThis Gem acts as an API Client for the VersaCommerce Theme API.
884,66762,344sinatra-kittensKitten pictures for Sinatra not_found pages.
987,04362,344tomateStarts a Pomodoro timer and notifies via notify-send.
10111,727121,991hots_apihots_api is a client library for the Heroes of the Storm replay metadata API hotsapi.net.
11117,22889,964einfugTransform files and directories in a pastable form
12127,986121,991qrThis gem generates QR-Codes.
14139,77089,964stay_awakeRequests websites so they won't fall asleep. Like on Heroku.
15148,656121,991json_rpcjson_rpc lets you build JSON RPC 2.0 aware Rack Applications.
18162,210121,991master_leagueThis Gem serves as a client for the Master League API