#3312's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,99615,618di-simple_authlonger description of your gem
249,88338,970cache-moneyCache utilities.
351,75038,970oujokeSimple helpers for workflow organizations
452,86538,970asset_packagerMinify for rails js and css
553,83322,841di-acts-as-taggableWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills...
658,42838,970is_contactedShort description for contacted gem
770,56938,970ljwrapper for the livejournal api
892,55038,970acts_as_viewableIts provide flexibility sustem for calculate counts of page view
9111,35938,970barjilloyet another customizible auth system
10120,72738,970walkerCache mechanism, with help u to use, at app
11125,08338,970stupid-git-webhookA github compatible post-receive web hook for git written in Ruby
12126,37438,970vkontakterFor most popular in russia social network, api wrapper
13126,76738,970schetPublic api wrapper for e-invoice schet.ru