Mcginniwa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,91111,915ruby-terminfoterminfo binding for Ruby
211,40828,457tiny_mceGem that allows easy implementation of the TinyMCE editor into your applications.
345,69117,089zoomRuby/ZOOM provides a Ruby binding to the Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model (ZOOM), an abs...
445,85056,274tiny_mce_plugin_imageselectorThis gem uses the tiny_mce gem's plugin system to install the
551,02456,274kete_browseridAn add-on for Kete ( that replaces normal login with a browserid bas...
656,87438,928http_url_validation_improveda Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a form. It validates if the U...
757,89456,274trolliedExtendable Ruby on Rails engine for adding shopping cart functionality to a Rails appli...
862,18656,274kete-feedzirraA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan...
978,27656,274capistrano-configurationWrite application configuration files on deployment with Ruby
1078,89256,274kete_gets_trolliedUses the trollied gem for adding item ordering to Kete.
1195,81156,274oembed_providerA Rails engine to answer oEmbed requests for application media asset models. In other w...
1296,57256,274kete_translatable_contentKete Translatable Content is a gem that is an add-on for Kete web applications that tak...
13129,46756,274mongo_translatableRails specific I18n model localization meant to tie-in to existing ActiveRecord models,...
14133,24656,274kete_trackable_itemsA Kete application add-on that allows for tracking the location of an item in a physica...