Pezra's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,9444,944random-wordA random word generator intended for use in test data factories. This library uses a l...
25,2248,605cequelCequel is an ActiveRecord-like domain model layer for Cassandra that exposes the robust...
311,03389,538hal-clientAn easy to use interface for REST APIs that use HAL.
417,62689,538rspec-halMatchers and helpers for specing HAL documents.
517,89423,828resque-fairlyNormally resque processes queues in a fixed order. This can lead to jobs in queues at ...
622,24458,808resourcefulAn HTTP library for Ruby that takes advantage of everything HTTP has to offer.
725,51958,808resque-multi-stepProvides multi-step tasks with finalization and progress tracking
826,11415,272timerageSimple refinement to Range to allow Time or Date as arguments
927,92489,538hal-interpretationDeclarative creation of ActiveModels from HAL documents.
1040,78428,086couch-migrateA simple migration system for CouchDB.
1144,22389,538machinist-couchrest-modelManufacture test CouchRest models with ease using Machinist
1257,7346,916filequeueFile based queue for coordinating multiple processes.
1387,70058,808parallel-eachParallel iteration for Enumerable
1488,02258,808openlogic-resourcefulAn HTTP library for Ruby that takes advantage of everything HTTP has to offer.
1596,16389,538openlogic-rdfRDF.rb is a pure-Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.
16104,97389,538orm_adapter-cequelORM adapter for Cequel, the CQL3 ORM for Ruby
17111,90289,538hash-selectorEasily select values from deep inside hierarchical hashes.
18115,02389,538openlogic-couchrest_modelCouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...
19117,84858,808saml-spSAML 2.0 SSO Sevice Provider Library
20127,43558,808cequel-deviseIntegration for Devise with the Cequel Cassandra ORM