Arcath's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,464-adauthA full featured library for working with Microsofts Active Directory in Ruby.
216,997-expectsA DSL for method inpu expectations
320,595-trainbbcodeProvides BBCode for Ruby.
449,064-kashflow_apiProvides an interface for the Kashflow API
563,630-markabbProvides BBCode for Ruby and Rails
784,706-mosaicMOdular Sinatra ApplICation
8124,735-berAn implementation of BER (Basic Encoding Rules) in Ruby
9126,332-trainbbcodeeditorProvides a nice looking editor for TrainBBCode
10126,860-steamprofileLoads a given steam profile in ruby
11130,080-yaibYet Another IRC Bot Framework
12161,078-adtoolsRuby bindings for Microsofts Active Directory (LDAP), a fork of ActiveDirectory
13169,037-wikifyActive Record Model history/versioning with restore functionality.