Besquared's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,30917,204modeCLI and Libraries for Mode Analytics
230,98329,930data_kitLibrary for ingesting, analyzing and normalizing datasets in various formats
333,14834,868data_packageLibrary for reading and writing data packages
473,50370,697ewah-bitsetA wrapper around Lemire's EWAHBoolArray from
5108,240105,358sequel-jdbc-hive2-adapterUse this adapter to use sequel to query Hive and Impala clusters
6109,708105,358jdbc-hive2Use this driver to connect to Hive and Impala clusters
7115,216168,370chugalugA wrapper around libcsv.
8122,038136,377mongrel_secure_downloadMongrel Secure Download Plugin
9123,653105,358hyperloglogAn efficient implementation of the HyperLogLog cardinality estimator