Kstephens's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,52113,175currencyCurrency models currencies, monetary values, foreign exchanges rates. Pulls live and ...
214,32776,031asirAbstracting Services in Ruby
327,92276,031asir_beanstalkBeanstalkd transport for ASIR
446,71176,031qreportAutomatically creates materialized report tables from a SQL query.
551,65476,031multimethodSupports Multimethod dispatching. For more details, see: http://multimethod.rubyforge...
660,84676,031rack_consoleA Rack App that provides a basic interactive Ruby console and introspection.
769,35476,031asir_zmqZMQ transport for ASIR
871,14376,031asir_xmlXML Coder for ASIR
987,49976,031asir_resqueResque transport for ASIR
1089,11876,031typed_attrTyped Attributes and Composite Types for Functional Programming in Ruby
1191,25430,156composite_typeComposite Types for Ruby
1293,55276,031module_chain_methodModule::ChainMethod mixin to simplify method chain aliasing.
1395,43145,533dumbstatsCollect data, generate stats, draw histograms, send to Graphite, do stuff in Ruby.
14103,72276,031trick_serialTrick Serializers using Proxies.
15117,36245,533cnuconfigAllows for intelligent overlay YAML configuration files as well as an intuitive mechani...
17119,44776,031asir_activerecordASIR ActiveRecord Transport
18120,92976,031asir_jsonJSON Coder for ASIR
19125,16276,031user_queryUserQuery generates SQL WHERE clauses from a simple user query expression. Can integra...
20126,96456,059cassavaA command-line CSV tool.
21153,04576,031rspec_editorRSpec Formatter that interfaces with your editor.
22155,81876,031qreport_time_parserParse time expressions with accuracy ranges.