1 | 5,521 | 13,175 | currency | Currency models currencies, monetary values, foreign exchanges rates. Pulls live and ... |
2 | 14,327 | 76,031 | asir | Abstracting Services in Ruby |
3 | 27,922 | 76,031 | asir_beanstalk | Beanstalkd transport for ASIR |
4 | 46,711 | 76,031 | qreport | Automatically creates materialized report tables from a SQL query. |
5 | 51,654 | 76,031 | multimethod | Supports Multimethod dispatching. For more details, see: http://multimethod.rubyforge... |
6 | 60,846 | 76,031 | rack_console | A Rack App that provides a basic interactive Ruby console and introspection. |
7 | 69,354 | 76,031 | asir_zmq | ZMQ transport for ASIR |
8 | 71,143 | 76,031 | asir_xml | XML Coder for ASIR |
9 | 87,499 | 76,031 | asir_resque | Resque transport for ASIR |
10 | 89,118 | 76,031 | typed_attr | Typed Attributes and Composite Types for Functional Programming in Ruby |
11 | 91,254 | 30,156 | composite_type | Composite Types for Ruby |
12 | 93,552 | 76,031 | module_chain_method | Module::ChainMethod mixin to simplify method chain aliasing. |
13 | 95,431 | 45,533 | dumbstats | Collect data, generate stats, draw histograms, send to Graphite, do stuff in Ruby. |
14 | 103,722 | 76,031 | trick_serial | Trick Serializers using Proxies. |
15 | 117,362 | 45,533 | cnuconfig | Allows for intelligent overlay YAML configuration files as well as an intuitive mechani... |
16 | 118,637 | 45,533 | cheap_advice | http://kurtstephens.com/pub/cheap_advice.slides/index.html |
17 | 119,447 | 76,031 | asir_activerecord | ASIR ActiveRecord Transport |
18 | 120,929 | 76,031 | asir_json | JSON Coder for ASIR |
19 | 125,162 | 76,031 | user_query | UserQuery generates SQL WHERE clauses from a simple user query expression. Can integra... |
20 | 126,964 | 56,059 | cassava | A command-line CSV tool. |
21 | 153,045 | 76,031 | rspec_editor | RSpec Formatter that interfaces with your editor. |
22 | 155,818 | 76,031 | qreport_time_parser | Parse time expressions with accuracy ranges. |