Sj26's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1191174rspec_junit_formatterRSpec results that your continuous integration service can read.
2777586marginaliaAttach comments to your ActiveRecord queries.
32,0273,412mailcatcherMailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to...
42,0883,890skinnySimple, upgradable WebSockets for Thin.
53,3784,450sidekiq-cronitorIntegrates Sidekiq with Cronitor so that workers send lifecycle events - run/complete/f...
64,0055,671capybara-inline-screenshotExtends capybara-screenshot with inline image output
74,2553,456sidekiq-cloudwatchmetricsRuns a thread inside your Sidekiq processes to report metrics to CloudWatch useful for ...
85,7233,334simplecov-buildkiteGenerate SimpleCov reports for your parallel Buildkite builds
95,9415,301rspec-buildkiteRSpec formatter creating Buildkite annotations for failures
1011,83117,015virtus-multiparamsRails date and time fields generate multiple parameters which need t which need to be c...
1129,46231,961rack-s3Serve static files from S3 via Rack
1234,12185,863puma-plugin-systemdPuma integration with systemd: notify, status, watchdog
1339,07124,763gemJust enough not-Rubygems to index a collection of gems for download... and maybe more.
1443,40829,768zipstreamCreate zip files directly to a stream.
1548,67427,806xmprParse XMP data extracted from an image into rich data types
1653,78685,863lenientcsvCSV parser supporting both RFC 4180 double double-quote and unix-style backslash escaping
1759,48485,863rails-subdomainSome convenience methods making subdomains in Rails a whole lot easier.
1864,21360,164activeviewComing soon
1985,69585,863nokogiri_html_helpersFast HTML helpers using Nokogiri
2097,82885,863rubygems-keychainStore your rubygems credentials and signing certificate in macOS keychain
2198,76285,863rqrcode-rendererRender QR codes from Rails as images or SVG.
2299,03385,863rack-processProxy to a rack app in a seperate process.
23115,27260,164iptcrParse IPTC data extracted from an image into rich data types and respecting string enco...
24118,76585,863rakerUses guard monitoring to run rake file tasks to keep you DRY. \ (A placeholder for ...
25121,00949,460derailDerail is a collection of helpers and libraries which I use in \ almost every projec...
26126,90960,164sinatra-dietSinatra can be aynchronous and provide WebSockets using Thin and Skinny.
27128,47085,863rspec-rails-assignA subject-oriented way to match assignments in controller examples.
28129,59085,863mailsnatcherComing soon
29135,91760,164chainsComing soon: Fetch and update assets with sprockets directives
30173,73185,863rack-builtwithRemove your site from