Blowmage's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0551,850minitest-railsAdds Minitest as the default testing library in Rails
22,7092,501minitest-rgColored red/green output for Minitest
33,0265,267autotest-suffixAutotest plugin to enable rails-style test filenames.
43,2003,703mRun test/unit tests by line number. Metal!
54,3605,739minitest-capybaraCapybara matchers support for minitest unit and spec
64,3716,235minitest-rails-capybaraAdds Capybara feature tests in Minitest and Rails.
77,0538,430minitest-testMinitest 5 test API in MiniTest 4
820,34843,643minitest-givenGiven is a Minitest::Spec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology ...
952,39769,238rubyhopSuper awesome Ruby-themed game
1070,04733,989minitest-shouldifyAdding all manner of shoulds to Minitest
1174,02769,238littlebratBecause kids like to smash buttons
12127,83169,238escape_to_rubyconfGame built for Writing Games with Ruby presentation at RubyConf 2010.
13158,08924,775clever_sdkProvides an SDK for interacting wth the Clever API in Ruby
14159,00969,238securerandom-int64Generate secure 64-bit integers using the same approach used by UUIDs.
15166,27969,238minibotThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.